7:00 am Wake up and direct breast feed
8:10 am Go to work
12 noon Pump milk from office
5:30 pm Pump milk from office
7:30 pm Arrive home from work
8:00 pm Dinner
9:00 pm Take a shower and rest a while
10:30 pm Pump milk
11:30 pm Watch some tv and fall asleep on the sofa
3:30 am Pump milk
4:30 am Sleep
This is my B's eating schedule:
7:00 am Wake up or being waken up by my maid, milk
10:30 am Rice cereal (around 1 oz)
11:00 am Milk from bottle (around 6.5 oz)
2:30 pm Milk from bottle (around 6.5 oz)
6:00 pm Milk from bottle (around 6.5 oz)
9:30 pm Milk from bottle (around 6.5 oz)
Since starting the rice cereal around 1 week ago, she started not to eat well from my breasts at 7am. Before she used to suck around 20 to 25 minutes, now she starts crying around after 15 minutes and doesn't want anymore. I am really confused, because she should be hungry after not eating for the whole night.
I'm not sure if she is:
1) more sleepy than hungry, or
2) feels frustrated to suck on me directly because more difficult than bottle feed, or
3) just not really hungry because she has enough from the night before?
This year I think my company's salary increase is around 3.5 to 4%. But we will get it starting in February.
Tinajapan, I agree with you. This % is not enough to offset the inflation. For example, pork! Also my pediatrician also increased price!
I went to see him on Jan 2, 2008 because Katrina's skin is too dry and itchy and can't sleep for several days. And I found that his price increased by 20%! If only our salary can increase 20%......