



積分: 1507

發表於 07-12-29 15:01 |只看該作者
我既CASE係BB爸爸唔係HK人﹐AUS's citizen,而我係HK citizen但有澳洲PR(未攞AUS‘S citizen)。我想問我BB可唔可以攞HK身份證呢?
我好想同我對仔女APPLY﹐因為我地一家有可能會返HK發展﹐我老公已經有公司推展﹐但我唔想同仔女佢地APPLY 國際學校﹐我想佢地讀中文學校﹐學好D 中文MATHS之後先再返澳洲。所以有身份證好D﹗
唔知有冇MAMI APPLY過呢?成唔成功?@


積分: 762

發表於 08-1-4 10:21 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 VBma 的文章

我兩個小朋友都係澳洲出世, 之前也想過幫他們申請 hkid, 一問之下, 由於他們都是1997年後出生, 要很多証明文件才可以申請身份証, 而且由於我們目前不是住在香港, 所以他們就算能申請身份証, 也會有限制, 如三至五年要回港一次, 不是永久的那種。不過, 假如像你的 case, 會舉家回流香港的話, 只要父母其中一方是香港永久居民, 你的小朋友便可以有永久居留的身份, 到他們十一歲時, 也順理成章的可以領取香港永久 ID。

珍惜生命、把握今天,因為仍活著不是偶然,也不是必然! :-P


積分: 543

發表於 08-1-5 08:28 |只看該作者
所以返香港個時就核實左係HK CITIZEN,


積分: 1512

發表於 08-1-16 11:26 |只看該作者
My bb was borned in Australia as well. His HKID was just granted. In my case. I am OZ citizen. My husband is holding HKID with temp resident visa. Before I applied, the officer of Immi HK has said I may not be able to get the ID for my kid. However, he also mentioned nothing lost to give it a try. Then, I have put in my application, and luckly got it granted.

It is not very expensive to apply for it. I think you can have a try.

On the otherhand, if you will going to stay in HK. The citizenship will grant to them by living in HK for 7 years. However, they are not entitled for the gov benefit with these 7 years.


積分: 12197

發表於 08-1-31 19:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 emi1y 於 08-1-16 11:26 發表
My bb was borned in Australia as well. His HKID was just granted. In my case. I am OZ citizen. My husband is holding HKID with temp resident visa. Before I applied, the officer of Immi HK has said I m ...

我和husband都是hkid holder,我已入澳籍,husband is PR
我想問下如何申請,bb拿travel visa 回香港才申請,還是在australia便要申請,申請要什麼文件


積分: 1512

發表於 08-2-4 12:12 |只看該作者
原文章由 ml123 於 08-1-31 19:54 發表

我和husband都是hkid holder,我已入澳籍,husband is PR
我想問下如何申請,bb拿travel visa 回香港才申請,還是在australia便要申請,申請要什麼文件

I applied it in HK.
This link may help you.
It requests to fill up some forms as well.

As mentioned, it is case by case.


積分: 416

發表於 08-2-12 15:52 |只看該作者
我想問下您, 您 BB 取得的是不是貼在澳洲護照的 香港臨時居留簽證, 即係要按時續期的一種 ? 因為我之前打電話入境處查詢, 因為我同老公都有香港永久居民身份證, 但而家我地兩個都係以澳洲 PR 係墨爾本居住 (都未住夠兩年), 有打算將來返香港, 佢話比我聽係申請臨時居留簽證.

原文章由 emi1y 於 08-1-16 11:26 發表
My bb was borned in Australia as well. His HKID was just granted. In my case. I am OZ citizen. My husband is holding HKID with temp resident visa. Before I applied, the officer of Immi HK has said I m ...


積分: 11693

發表於 08-2-12 19:07 |只看該作者

> However, they are not entitled for the gov benefit with these 7 years.

Does that mean the children will not get the 9 years free education and also will have to pay full fees in public hospital ????



積分: 285

發表於 08-2-13 13:17 |只看該作者
Hi, WC2046,

I'm same as you, I'm now living in Melbourne and still within the 2 years jail period. We plan to go back HK after getting the citizenship and OZ passport.

I can explain your question. Your checking to HK immigration is correct, we can have the Temp residence Visa, when our child come to HK and apply in person. This visa is for 1 year only, then we can apply the extention for 3 years when the 1 year visa expired, later 3 years visa apply as well. After 7 years, we can have the ROA in HK (which is Emily's mention), it will be stamp in our child passport. When they are 11 year old, they can apply HK ID card.

About the benefit of the 7 years holding Temp Residence Visa. As of our child does not have ROA, they do not have "居留權", but they have "入境權". I have checked the HK government "education" website, we still have have all benefit of education, such as 12 years free education (not 9 years since last year) and so call 學劵 as well. About the medical, such as hospital, I didn't check as I think I will arrange for private rather than public hospital.

Hope I can solve your question.

Also, we have a Melbourne Bk Mum club, you can join in case you are interesting.



積分: 416

發表於 08-2-14 15:16 |只看該作者
Hi, thanks for your information.
I am also thinking would it be more easier to apply the temporary visa for the baby before we got the citzenship ? or it doesn't matter at all ?!

Do you know if it is possible to leave/travel beyond HK when the baby holding the 1 year temporary visa ? I mean, if we got the 1 year visa for the baby, can we come back to Melbourne (because we are still working here...) and only go back HK in a year's time (before visa expired) and apply for the extention ?

原文章由 CJSmallB 於 08-2-13 13:17 發表
Hi, WC2046,

I'm same as you, I'm now living in Melbourne and still within the 2 years jail period. We plan to go back HK after getting the citizenship and OZ passport.

I can explain your question. Y ...


積分: 285

發表於 08-2-14 20:01 |只看該作者

Sorry, I don't know. In my understanding, it should be fine unless you can't come back to apply the next visa before it is expired.

In my opinion, if the child is back to HK for a short trip, like 1 or 2 months, it is not worth to do so as I know the visa extention must be applied in person.

Like me, last time when my daughter was 2 month-old and I brought her back to HK for 1 month, at that time I did not apply as (1) the time is too rush to apply, and (2) 1 month is not long period.

And the so call Temp visa and ROA stamp are not big different for her, she should have HKID card at 11 year-old as she will be in HK when she is 2 years old.



積分: 1512

發表於 08-2-22 14:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 wc2046 於 08-2-12 15:52 發表
我想問下您, 您 BB 取得的是不是貼在澳洲護照的 香港臨時居留簽證, 即係要按時續期的一種 ? 因為我之前打電話入境處查詢, 因為我同老公都有香港永久居民身份證, 但而家我地兩個都係以澳洲 PR 係墨爾本居住 (都未住夠 ...

The one on my passport is the one that you are talking about. It requests to extend the visa in some period of time. But the one of my bb is different. The stamp states the bb is the citizen of HK.


積分: 3890

發表於 08-9-14 23:06 |只看該作者
我想問下香港id 容易來d 定係澳洲passport 容易來d? 我係AUS‘S citizen 又係香港永久居民, 但我老公唔係香港永久居民, 而係英國citizen.

我仲未決定bb係香港生定係澳洲? 因為我想bb有澳洲passport 又有 香港永久居民 id. 所以我想問下係唔係係香港生比較容易d來? 好似香港永久居民 id 比較難d 來, 係唔係呢? 英國passport 最容易來, 只要父母是旦一個係英國人就來到, 唔需要係英國出生. 唔知澳洲係唔係咁呢?


積分: 470

發表於 08-9-15 10:41 |只看該作者
If you are Aus citizen, your BB cannot get HKID if not born in HK. He can at most apply for temp residency. After living in HK for 7 years or more, he can then apply for HKID.

If you want BB have 澳洲passport 又有 香港永久居民ID, you should give birth in HK, then apply him an Aus passport afterwards.

原文章由 captainbaby 於 08-9-14 23:06 發表
我想問下香港id 容易來d 定係澳洲passport 容易來d? 我係AUS‘S citizen 又係香港永久居民, 但我老公唔係香港永久居民, 而係英國citizen.

我仲未決定bb係香港生定係澳洲? 因為我想bb有澳洲passport 又有 香港永久居 ...


積分: 3890

發表於 08-9-15 21:57 |只看該作者
原文章由 honeybogi 於 08-9-15 10:41 發表
If you are Aus citizen, your BB cannot get HKID if not born in HK. He can at most apply for temp residency. After living in HK for 7 years or more, he can then apply for HKID.

If you want BB have 澳 ...

真係唔該曬你! 我想問問咁如果bb係香港出生, 應該係香港幫佢來澳洲passport 定係返到去澳洲先來? 咁如果bb返到去澳洲先來, 咁bb係香港可以用什麼passport 出境? bb一個月大係唔係都可以出境及搭飛機?


積分: 470

發表於 08-9-16 07:16 |只看該作者

You can apply Aus passport for BB from both HK or Aus, depends on when you want to bring him to travel.

If you apply in HK, just do it in the Aus consulate.
Or if you bring BB to Aus first, you will need HKSAR passport to fly. When in Aus, apply passport through immigration.

So your BB will have HKID, HKSAR passport and also Aus passport la!

1 month old seems too young to fly but just consulte your doctor. My friend brought her daughter from US to HK when 6 weeks old.

原文章由 captainbaby 於 08-9-15 21:57 發表

真係唔該曬你! 我想問問咁如果bb係香港出生, 應該係香港幫佢來澳洲passport 定係返到去澳洲先來? 咁如果bb返到去澳洲先來, 咁bb係香港可以用什麼passport 出境? bb一個月大係唔係都可以出境及搭飛機? ...


積分: 3890

發表於 08-9-18 21:53 |只看該作者
原文章由 honeybogi 於 08-9-16 07:16 發表

You can apply Aus passport for BB from both HK or Aus, depends on when you want to bring him to travel.

If you apply in HK, just do it in the Aus consulate.
Or if you bring BB to Aus first, you ...

Thank you very much! Do you know how long would it take to apply the Australian passport in Hong Kong or Australia?


積分: 470

發表於 08-9-22 09:55 |只看該作者
I forgot already. Better check with Aus immigration la.

原文章由 captainbaby 於 08-9-18 21:53 發表

Thank you very much! Do you know how long would it take to apply the Australian passport in Hong Kong or Australia?


積分: 3890

發表於 08-9-28 08:43 |只看該作者
原文章由 honeybogi 於 08-9-22 09:55 發表
I forgot already. Better check with Aus immigration la.



積分: 70

發表於 08-9-30 22:15 |只看該作者



原文章由 VBma 於 07-12-29 15:01 發表
我既CASE係BB爸爸唔係HK人﹐AUS's citizen,而我係HK citizen但有澳洲PR(未攞AUS‘S citizen)。我想問我BB可唔可以攞HK身份證呢?
我好想同我對仔女APPLY﹐因為我地一家有可能會返HK發展﹐我老公已經有公司推展﹐但我唔想同仔 ...


