end up, the second girl came in 2007, never mind.... Don't think of too much...... We are just human and could not control everything... Be happy on everyday.....
FYI, it is difficult for one maid to take care of 2 kids (espically one is a baby) and take care of the housework... My mum come to my home everyday to take care of my baby from 10:00 to 5:30p.m. (until I back to home). In addition, hiring a maid is easy. But hiring a good and responsible maid is not easy. My maid is good until now but she is going to leave us next week as she got a job in Canada:-( . And I need to train a new maid again:-( ......
Fiancially - you should be ok... you are professional and are civil servant.... don't worry....
原文章由 dogdogling 於 07-12-31 12:56 發表
唔得呀......我份人鐘意 plan 好d嘢,唔 like 即慶,無實察 planning 個人唔多自在
Well, no matter how good you plan your future, it change always. So, just let it be. I love to have one more baby and I planned to have it when CY is one years old:loveliness: I hope that it could happen as I know that some people might takes very very long to in order to have 2nd child. 事與願違