到了so called party時,阿仔在未正式開始時也有跟著其他小朋友走來走去,到正式開始時,阿仔唔肯好似其他小朋友坐在地下,只係"chee"住我地。這女子只看了一會,並說"出面起碼有幾個你細過佢(我個仔),佢xxxxxxx" 她於是開始講阿仔的不是,她的措詞不恰當,令聽的人,起碼令我心裡不好過。不知是否我太過敏,她令我覺得我阿仔是個低能兒,問佢colours又唔答,又唔專心,和同年齡小朋友差好遠,好似唔哂前途gum。再加上之前的不滿,我開始忍唔住對住她大罵,未試過在阿仔面前gum樣罵人,但她實在令我太憤怒。事後她有跟我道歉,但也不能彌補對我心靈上的傷害。
My husband叫我對於路人甲的說話唔好太上心,但我實在太唔高興,所以在此留言,希望講完後可以忘記這件事。
I think this may not be a part of her job. She just do us a favour and so she often forget the appointment with us. So when she forgot the appointment, I did not scold her immediately.
I only angry with how she critize my son. I think she need to bear in mind that what she says will hurt others.