




積分: 1941

發表於 08-1-8 12:52 |只看該作者
My daughther is 5 months old now. Last milky time is normally 12:00 pm which is feeding by myself normally. I just wonder if I should ask my maid to help to feed her. FYI, my maid will go to bathing at 10:00 pm, then sleep. She'll wake up at around 6:30 pm, take her breakfast, then start to work. My baby normally wake up at 7:30 am. I'm not sure if it is reasonable to ask her to feed the last milk. Any comment?


積分: 1941

發表於 08-1-8 12:53 |只看該作者
My daughter is 5 months old now. Last milky time is normally 12:00 am which is feeding by myself normally. I just wonder if I should ask my maid to help to feed her. FYI, my maid will go to bathing at 10:00 pm, then sleep. She'll wake up at around 6:30 am, take her breakfast, then start to work. My baby normally wake up at 7:30 am. I'm not sure if it is reasonable to ask her to feed the last milk. Any comment?


積分: 1226

發表於 08-1-8 12:55 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 Carolinn 的文章

我試過半夜三四點叫醒工人幫我餵亞b, 不過我會俾佢係晏晝瞓返覺囉


積分: 360

發表於 08-1-8 13:12 |只看該作者
You may ask her to feed, but I don't recommend you loh. Frankly speaking, your maid also need enough rest, esp if she needs to take care of your baby during day time and also do housework.

My experience was that I would let my maid to go to bed as soon as she finishes the housework, around 11pm, then. My husband will feed my baby around 12mn, and then, I get up at 5am to feed again.

Both my husband and I were very exhausted at those days, but, it would be safer as we afraid that if maid was too tired, she might not take care of the baby properly, e.g. she might make too hot or too cold milk for your baby, or even put wrong portion of milk powder, however, you would not know it if you let her to do herself.

原文章由 Carolinn 於 08-1-8 12:53 發表
My daughter is 5 months old now. Last milky time is normally 12:00 am which is feeding by myself normally. I just wonder if I should ask my maid to help to feed her. FYI, my maid will go to bathing ...


積分: 16923


發表於 08-1-8 13:21 |只看該作者
I think your baby is new born. If the last milk is before/on12:00, I will ask my maid to do it. Or, ask my maid to feed the baby earlier, say 11pm, but the baby may not finish the whole bottle since the baby is not hungry. Sometimes, the baby wake up at 2:00 or 3:00am, I or my husband will feed the baby. I never let my maid to have a nap in afternoon. They will do it everyday even they are not tired.

原文章由 Carolinn 於 08-1-8 12:52 發表
My daughther is 5 months old now. Last milky time is normally 12:00 pm which is feeding by myself normally. I just wonder if I should ask my maid to help to feed her. FYI, my maid will go to bathin ...

[ 本文章最後由 easybring 於 08-1-8 13:23 編輯 ]


積分: 1941

發表於 08-1-8 16:54 |只看該作者
Well understoond. Then, better keep feeding milk by myself for last milk.


積分: 5061

發表於 08-1-8 17:52 |只看該作者
就算你叫佢喂, 你兩公婆係唔係會安心走左去瞓先, 唔果唔係, 你又唔係去瞓, 咁我係你就唔會叫工人喂12:00奶, 你唔比佢好好休息, 佢日日做嘢冇心機咪仲斃, 我自己就從未試過叫工人喂夜奶

原文章由 Carolinn 於 08-1-8 16:54 發表
Well understoond. Then, better keep feeding milk by myself for last milk.


積分: 95697

發表於 08-1-8 19:49 |只看該作者
yes I never ask any maid to feed baby during midnight.


積分: 3604

發表於 08-1-8 22:25 |只看該作者
但我個印印佢好自動自覺去餵我亞b,就算係亞b成2-3am,佢都去餵喎,咁我係咪錯呢? 但我都走出黎睇下,唔係太放心,不過睇一陣我又返去瞓返,不過都會瞓唔好,等亞b真係食完,佢完成晒整個過程,放返亞b落床度瞓我先安心,咁其實我咁做係咪唔啱呢?


積分: 95697

發表於 08-1-8 23:51 |只看該作者
I think it's ok if baby is sleeping with her.
of couse you must make sure she've got enough rest.


積分: 238

發表於 08-1-9 12:37 |只看該作者
If you are a working mother and feel tried to feed the last milk at midnight. You can either swap the maid resting time for BB or swap the BB milky time for maid.

For my case, when BB was 2 months old and I need to back to work, since my maid wake up at 6:00-6:30am normally, my maid fed the BB at 10:30pm and then 6:30am in the next morning. I asked the maid to bath before the last feeding time and then she could sleep at once after feeding. 1 month later, since the bb could sleep longer at night time, I extended the duration of the night feeding time (10:00pm and then 7:00am).


積分: 466

發表於 08-1-9 13:07 |只看該作者
I think it depends on how you communicate with your maid. my son already been 7 months old, no night milk since 3 months old, but for some reason he still waking up at night few times at night and look for his "lai che". Honestly, I have no energy to take care of him as I have to work. My agreement with the maid is I put baby in the living room during the weekdays and she takes the responsibility to look after him coming out from her room when baby cry. If the next day is holiday, I will put baby in my room and take care by myself... fair enough??!

I don't mind and can't control the maid to take a snap while baby sleeps as no one at home during day time. however, as long as she can take a good care of baby, I am ok with this.


積分: 37

發表於 08-1-9 17:38 |只看該作者


我產假期間自己喂BB夜奶, 咁我返工前一晚賓姐主動同我講夜晚由佢喂, 佢話怕我攰.(佢同我關係幾好). 依家BB一喊, 我幫BB換片, 我老公沖奶, 賓姐負責喂. 我同99講咗之後, 佢就下午俾賓瞓一陳,同埋俾咖啡佢飲.(賓姐好鬼仲意飲):tongue:


