I think it depends on the baby largely, not so much to do with the milk bottle. Some refuse to take both at the same time, some are okay with whatever bottles you gave. Better not to buy so many in the beginning, just try first.
原文章由 Tiff123s456 於 08-1-9 11:18 發表
請問如果諗住頭幾個月Breast feeding? 要唔要買特別的奶樽?因我見有D牌子話係 for breast feeding的。咁這些牌子同其它牌子有乜分別?
Pumping out is different from direct feeding. BB will stimulate your nipple to create milk. She will lick you but pumping only pulling in & out your nipple which is not sufficient to stimulate your body to create enough milk. Then your milk production process will stop automatically soon.