the new S26 is made in Singapore. The old batch made in ireland. That's the different! Wyeth wants to save cost, it;s cheaper to transport the S26 from singapore than from Ireland.
I have the same case. The new S26 is made in Singapore now. The colour, the texture,the smell and the ingredients are all changed. It looks like fluffy. I went to Watson's and changed. I quit to give S26 to my baby and change to eat雪印. It is better than S26. I lose confidence in S26 coz a mama said Singapore's S26 is only export to China. But now, it was sold for us.
me too. have no confidence on those milk powder transported to china. have stopped feeding s26 for a month la
原文章由 bencool 於 08-2-2 22:33 發表
I have the same case. The new S26 is made in Singapore now. The colour, the texture,the smell and the ingredients are all changed. It looks like fluffy. I went to Watson's and changed. I quit to gi ...
I have frens in Malaysia and Singapore and they are all feeding the BB with S26 made in Singapore. I believe the quality is assured and the milk powder is safe to feed as Singapore Government is tight in food quality control. Try not to discriminate the quality just by thinking it is export to China. On top, Weyth is a reputable company, I dont think they will run the risk of giving bad quality powder to ppl and HK government wont allow this to happen also. Baby might have sensitive case by drinking this...but i dont think it is related to the quality as some babies might be sensitive to certain milk powder also...right?
The cost saving is huge...what i know is, it cost RM55 for 900g milk powder, which is equivalent (about) HKD120. But it can sell HKD191 in Hong Kong. That's how Wyeth save the cost.
I have frens who is malaysian but lives in HK, when they travel back to Malaysia, they will bring one or two dozen back here for their babies...and their babies are well. This is how the parents save the cost also...