my baby's birthday is 25/7,he has 8oz milk three times a day and he has congee once and fruit once everyday
原文章由 jess1010 於 08-3-3 15:12 發表
hello sai_lam,
my baby born 24/7 , also 7 month and 1 week old, and
your baby birthday?
i mix 3 oz. formula milk to rice cereal, and you ?
hi Utopie, wow... your baby really good appetite woh... so he eating every 3 hours i guess ? my son schedule like this :
1) morning 8.30am Formula x 7oz.
2) noon 12.30am Formula x 7oz.
3) afternoon 4.30am Formula x 7oz.
4) dinner 8pm Rice cereal mixed with 3 oz. formula (+banana, carrot, now tryingegg yolk)
5) before sleeping 10.30 Formula x 6oz.
will try congee next week with fish or meat... any good suggestions? thanks!
Yes, every 2 to 3 hours, depends on how long he can sleep between each meal.
The nurse in the hospital suggested we tried meat before fish, the sequence should be pork, chicken, fish, beef. I also plan to let my baby try pork next week, yummy!
原文章由 jess1010 於 08-3-4 12:21 發表
hi Utopie, wow... your baby really good appetite woh... so he eating every 3 hours i guess ? my son schedule like this :
1) morning 8.30am Formula x 7oz.
2) noon 12.30am Formula x 7oz.
3) afternoon 4. ...