尋日 man bun 工人同媽講My mother in hospital, need oxygen, calling my name, can I go back to Philippines for same days? 媽話比我知. I said when are you going back? I I I I I I I I I do do don/t know, my brother George is going back on Friday. Maybe wait George come back I go.
今朝問工人, how is your mother today? In ICU. Mamm, can you can you can you can you ah ah ah ah ah ah ah give me the paper? What paper? the the the the paper for the ticket? what paper for ticket? can can can you give me the ticket? I have no money.
You mean you want me to give you the air ticket? yes mamm. So when are you going to leave? when are you coming back? I I I I I I I do do do don't know, just for a few days. Maybe a week, Maybe 2 week.
I said I cannot wait like this, if you want to go back to Philippine like this, you better no need to come back. I I I I I I I I will come back, but don't know when.
打比佢大佬George Boss 問, 點知George boss 話佢工人george, 完全無講亞媽入ICU, 亦無話Friday返Philippine. 叫我信一半夠了.
打比George, is your mother in ICU??? Yes mamm, are you going back to Philippine Friday? 講到一舊舊又唔知講乜.
Andy said he need to go back immediately now. Is your mother going to die? 又唔無up乜, let me talk to andy mamm.