




積分: 244

發表於 04-4-1 23:24 |顯示全部帖子

HELP! My four-month old bb has serious cough. Anything to help?

He had fever (about 38.5C) and some cough two days ago and I bought him to see the doctor. He had panadol syrup once and the fever dropped. He also took the cough medicine but his cough continues and gets worse.

Shall I continue to give him the medicine? Or can the cough be cured without taking any medicine? I'm afraid that his immune system cannot be properly developed!


積分: 80

發表於 04-4-1 23:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: HELP! My four-month old bb has serious cough. Anything to help?

If fever come down, you may consider continue the medicine that your doctor give you, for 'common cold' though it can be cured by itself, medicine did help to relieve discomfort. However, if your baby still have fever, or if his cough getting worse, especially associated with a lot of noises or great effort to breath, go to the casualty. Below, is a useful website for your reference.



積分: 387

發表於 04-4-3 00:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: HELP! My four-month old bb has serious cough. Anything to help?

Actually, my doctor said that some medicine will let baby coughing frequently than before. It's because it can let him to take 痰 out . You can call your doctor to check. There may have some advices.


積分: 1760

發表於 04-4-3 14:02 |顯示全部帖子

Re: HELP! My four-month old bb has serious cough. Anything to help?

U might wanna ask yr doctor about Triaminic (if available in HK?). Check out: http://www.triaminic.com/

It's pretty effective for my baby. He had a very bad cough at 5 months old but recovered in a week or two after having taken it.


積分: 244

發表於 04-4-3 18:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: HELP! My four-month old bb has serious cough. Anything to help?

Thanks for the advice. I hope my bb will recover soon!!


積分: 7342

發表於 04-4-3 19:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: HELP! My four-month old bb has serious cough. Anything to help?

LeeBBmama >> 雖然 coughing 係好平常, 但係若果真係 "cut" 得好勁, 好密, 好多同好耐都未有好轉 (let' s say a week), 就真係不容輕視 ! 就好似我自己敢, 岩岩 "cut" 左成兩個星期都唔好, 一路都有 keep 住看私家診所食住葯, 但係都唔好, 都仲係 "cut" 得好勁, 最後上星期日去街時 "cut" 到有 D 血出來, 我先知有事, 上左急症室, 醫生要我照肺, 一照先知大鑊, 肺片上花了四分一, 醫生話係急性典型肺炎, 要住 D 特別的葯同埋一日 24 小時帶口罩, 真係好辛苦 ! 好彩食左 D 葯, 宜家好番晒了 ! 唉, 我宜家開始有 D 唔係好信 D 私家診所了....始終佢地儀器有限呀 ! 並唔係話個醫生唔掂.. 所以我建議你同你個 BB 上一上醫院看一看, 照一照肺好似穩陣 D !!

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