有興趣自組 Playgroup 嗎?? My daughter is 8 months+ and need 7 more babies to form a group!! If you are interested, please refer to the details and send your contact information to me, thanks!!
These inforamtion are provided by kithung and thanks so much!!
By the way, I perfer in weekend either Saturday or Sunday. Anyway, we can further discuss together with other interested Mammy / Daddy. Thanks & Regards!!
Not yet received your mail, pls send again, thx...
or send to [email protected]
原文章由 98522299 於 08-3-13 15:56 發表
Hi, having pm to you!! Please check!!
By the way, I perfer in weekend either Saturday or Sunday. Anyway, we can further discuss together with other interested Mammy / Daddy. Thanks & Regards!!
費用:12堂,每堂$100 (包括茶點及材料費) Paid by 1 installment, HK$1,200.00
每班人數: 8-10位小朋友
時間 – 每堂1小時 – 1.5小時 (視乎課堂內容而定)
逢星期六、日及公眾假期 (星期一至五請與導師商討)
Saturday: 最快空檔 - May 2008
Sunday: 10:00 am OR 11:00 am 有空檔
地點 – 金鐘/銅鑼灣/荃灣/大角咀/美孚
(家長亦可提供/建議場地): Shatin is OK. Please suggest venue i.e. club hourse and I will gather all information for voting. Please note QEdu is responsible for the venue cost and the max. amount is $60 per hour.
Application procedure:
Once we have grouped 8 kids, we have provide the below information to QEdu:
Parent information: A) Name
B) Contact number
C) Email address
Kid information: D) Name
E) 家長平時稱呼小朋友的名 i.e. BB, 細佬 etc.
F) Date of birth
Upon received these information, QEdu will send a confirmation email and call each parent to confirm the details. Then, QEdu will send all the kids information to playgroup tuitor and the tuitor will start to modify the playgroup contents and/or activities according to the average age of the kids. The final playgroup contents, activities and schedule will be approved by the Professor. As informed by QEdu, the application processing time is 2 weeks, therfore, we can target the playgroup will start in April 2008.
Should you need further information, I can be reached by email or by phone at 9852-2299 or call QEdu at 2866-6796 / 2866-9916.
I'm interested. Pls send details to me. By the way, what's the full name of QEdu? Do they have any web-site? Do you know if their tutor has got the nursey certificate ? How many tutor(s) will be responsible for the class?
The full name is Queen Education and I don't think they have a web-site. Regarding the tutor's details, can you please call QEdu at 2866-6796 / 2866-9916 to obtain the information. Thanks!!
原文章由 Carolinn 於 08-3-14 14:57 發表
I'm interested. Pls send details to me. By the way, what's the full name of QEdu? Do they have any web-site? Do you know if their tutor has got the nursey certificate ? How many tutor(s) will be ...
Can you please confirm whether you are interested to join or not as soon as you can?? I would like to send details to QEud on or before the Easter Holiday and hopefully, we can start in April.
As of today, 2 confirmed paticipants and 6 to 8 have vacancies (max participants is 10), details as below:
If you are interested to join, please can you send below informations to my personal email address: [email protected]:-
Parent information: A) Name
B) Contact number
C) Email address
Kid information: D) Name
E) 家長平時稱呼小朋友的名
for example: BB, 細佬 etc.
F) Date of birth
Please, get back to me as soon as you can. Thanks so much and happy Easter Holiday.
Sorry to inform you that I've joint the playgroup in Causeway Bay already la... Please can you search for other playgroup for your lovely baby. Looking forward to join with you and your baby in the future.