自由廣場的POSTQE急証室醫生給關於流感的忠告! | |||
吾知妳看到嗎? QE急証室醫生給關於流感的忠告! 我o既一個舊同學,佢係o係QE急証室做醫生o既, 佢今日經過舊生網絡發佈比我地所有舊同學既忠告! (括號內係我o既翻譯) Dear all, (致各位) Reduce the trips to Mainland if possible. No one knows what is happening there in terms of infection. (如可能,盡量減小到內地。無人知道內地感染情況如何!) Things are getting worse. It can be worse than the SARS period. Reasons: (事件越來越壞。可能比沙仕期間更壞,理由:) 1) Before the Flu attack, we had cold spells for weeks. The manpower and resources of HA were exhausted. The daily attendance to AED of QEH rose from 500 to 600, People had to wait for over 10 hours before a bed can be assigned. (1. 在流感襲港前,我地有多個星期o既寒流。醫管局o既人手及資源已經耗盡。伊利沙伯醫院急証室人次由每日500升至600,病人要等候超過10小時先有病床分配到.) One staff told me that the beds used in the small mortuary of AED were given to life-patients (after cleaning of course). (一個職員話給我知,急証室小殮房用過o既床要用來給活生生o既病人用(當然經過清洗)) HA and doctors tried to alert the public. The HK public and the media paid attention to those stupid pop-star porns only. If protective measures were started then, things may be better. (醫管局及醫生已嘗試警告公眾。但係香港公眾同傳媒只係注意D愚蠢o既名星淫照。如果由當時開始做防護措施,事件會好好多。) 2) HA has lost many "middle-men". During the SARS period, many staff (doc, nurse etc) were 30 to 40 years of age. They were experienced, well-trained and still energetic. Many of them left the system. (2. 醫管局失去好多中層人員。在沙仕期間,好多職員(醫生,護士等))多係30-40歲。佢地有經驗,經過良好訓練而且非常有魄力。佢地好多都已經離開o左醫管局系統。) 3) This time the virus targets the kids first: people have become panic. Panic people do stupid things. (3. 今次病毒最先o既對象係小朋友:公眾變得恐慌. 恐慌既人好易做蠢事!) Don't rely on luck. Wash your hands and wear masks. (唔好靠運氣。洗手同帶口罩!) cheers, xxx (由於要保護發出人o既身份,佢o既名在此抹去!) |