Yes, it is good to see that people mind set is more open about funeral ceremony.
Funeral can be very expensive in HK. I have recently bought 2 private ash box spaces and it took up the biggest part of the expenses.
Said to say that the whole service become very commercial and to those people who can't affort it would have no choice to follow the Chinese trandition such as "Ta Tsai"and using the parlour's service. It is so costly!
One thing that I don't understand is why can't one book for the cremetion service(government one) by himself provided he can produce the death certificate? Why the government have to force people to go through a parlour or some kind of a middle man to book the cremetion service?
These service are so costly!
As a Chinese, of course I understand that people would like to follow the trandition should any of their love one pass away. But there aren't seems to be any option at all for the average people that they can follow through the ceremony without a hugh cost.
I personally the government is ridiculas as they seems to protecting the funeral service people to make a hugh profit. A government service should be set up as death is a natural stage of life that happens everyday for whatever reason.