我個新請的印傭有陣咸魚味 , 應該是從她的身體和腳發出, 我們試過給中藥她浸腳, 但唔work, my husband and I 開始頂唔順, esp. 當她逗留係”密閉空間”之後, e.g. Kitchen, Toilet & baby’s room.
And you know what?!…. Summer is coming.
And the worst thing is … we employ her to 照顧我 2-mth old baby.
And thinking that, my baby sleep with her in the same room at night.
Damn it!! 我唔想個仔硬食, so we are planning to炒她.
Frankly speaking, 她做野唔醒, 偷懶, 說謊, 我預左, coz 9/10 個都是一樣, 唔太過份, 我都算啦. But, if your maid is the one and only, you are damn lucky.
但她陣咸魚味, 令我好擔心她的personal hygiene although 她都幾注重日常清潔, 但是, 我點都唔放心她touch and take care my baby, esp. when I am not at home.
But, if we 炒她, 好似好蝕, 她只是來了3 mths. 補足錢 + looking for a new one (重要唔知會否衰過而家呢個), almost 成萬蚊……蝕到暈