




積分: 21

發表於 04-4-8 23:24 |顯示全部帖子


我想問clearplan 排卵棒應m後几時用,因我上個月冇用,便失敗了,今天我的m也來了.


積分: 767

發表於 04-4-14 11:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 唔開心

Hi tsui, don't be so sad. You should relax and once you are not under stress, it will be easier for you to get pregnant. If you are too stressful, you may delay your ovulation.

If you are using clearplan ovulation prediction kit, you should read the instruction. I believe they have a chart there which tell you when you should start taking the test according to your length of cycle. Sometimes if your cycle is not so regular, you may have to use more than one box (I believe there are 5 tests in one box) of prediction kit. Usually, your ovulation should be sometimes around 14 to 16 days before your NEXT period. Many people think they ovulate on the 14th day but indeed different person can have different cycle. So you may have to observe your own cycle better. Few tips for you, you should take your ovulation prediction test after 10am and you should make sure you haven't been to the toilet for at least 4 hrs. Don't drink too much water as it may dilute your hormone in your urine which may affect the result. Second, once you see a positive result it doesn't mean you will definitely ovulate on that day. You should keep trying for three days. If you have been taking your basal body temperature, then you should keep trying until you see your body temperature rises which means you have already ovulated.

Hope this is helpful and wish you luck!


