台長 : many thanks for the sharing! i will go by end april. so the temp may be higher , like HK today? it's hot. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
in conclusion, are the things in Japan expensive generally? hmm.... i wanna shop for myself & my husband as well, as we seldom shopping in HK. mostly for the bb, now it's a good chance. hheeeee. (as it's a good excuse as well ) :-P
我好忍手自己就咩都無買囉, 我女就係hello kitty land 買左個 melody 掛頸銀包仔比佢, 雖然都係 made in china 但見到真係好靚所以買比佢, 其他多數買哂野食同招財貓比公司同事做手信, 跟團真係好辛苦縱橫遊都係一般, 但一家人去旅行好開心特別係我女開心到飛起係 hello kitty land & dinesyland 見到 d 人扮公仔不停同佢地影相, 希望你地都玩得好 happy
我睇到日本d 野係 disneyland, hello kitty land, 同埋 d 大間 既 shopping mall e.g.依勢丹, 松板屋 d 野都係 made in china 多, 如果 made in japan 果 d 勁貴一把 "姐" 如果有牌子都要 $8xx, 但如果見到 made in china 講真真係唔想買, 所以你要有心理準備可能咩都買唔落手