我个仔好似识好多,但是咬得唔清楚。因为我叫他手语他就做手语就讲所以才知道他是讲不同的字。他会讲“唔要”,“姐姐”,“boat", "bird", "车”, "mom", "mommy", "daddy", naughty in chinese - “yai yai", "奶奶”,“bye bye", "up", "兴姨" - maid's name and "Auntie". He's basically learning Cantonese, Mandarin, English (main focus), and Sign language. So I guess not bad. Studies siad sign languages can enhance the child's ability in communication because they are able to realize the relationship and the effect of communication at a very early age. He loves "baby signing time" and we love it too. The songs are great, the signs are easy to learn and good for us to communicate. I highly recommand, especially if you think your child has trouble in speaking.