但講明唔淮用電話又好似好衰咁....=>I don't think so.
I don't allow my yan yan to buy a mobile phone. (when I employ her)
So I don't need to worry about such things happened!
Yes, I don't allowed her to talk in phone in working days, night including. But I allowed use my phone (at home) to talk on sunday (her rest day). She can talk in 24 hours as she like (she buy the idd card by herself). Finally I find that she only talk without 30 mins (in average) to her families in indo on sunday. And no local friends talk with her as they are all in holidays (or mon is at home to watch them on sunday).......
原文章由 ac321 於 08-4-22 17:26 發表
what is her private time? If she keep her phone, I believed that 24-hours a day is her private time!!
after all her job and in her own rest time.
If caring bb time, of course NO,
If housework time, of course NO,
that is, if i found household stuffs still not ready/done
within an appropriate time, that will be a problem and NO!
If all the things done, she has her own rest time, i dont
care how she use. Of course, she needs to answer me immediately if I have something emergency.
Agreed mr_kwy,
but i'm not thinking 好衰 or not, just you can not really restricted her doing sth, even she is not talking on the phone, she will send a lot of SMS. Cant stop as they're adult,
unless you can really sure she is out of mobile/SIM cards.