Re: 妳地BB三個月時, 食幾多安奶呢﹖
my baby have 6.5oz = 180ml, every day had 5 bottle (normaly), sometime 4 bottle a day, it depend how long she sleep at night, sometime she sleep from 9pm to next morning 6am.
If your baby had only 3oz i think that's not enough, may be you have to feed your baby more frequency, may 3 hours a time, try it.
Kirsten born at 31/12/2003
N/B Weight = 3.33 kg
One Month = 4.6 kg
Two Month = 5.37 kg
Three Month = 6.11 kg
Four Month = 7.3 kg (70cm long)
Five Month = 8.11kg
Six Month = 9.37kg (72cm long)
7.5Month = 10.9kg (24 lbs)
8 Months = 11.1 kg (24.4 lbs)
9.5 Months = 11.5kg (25.3 lbs)
10.5 Months = 11.8kg (26 lbs)
12 Months = 11.4 (25 lbs)
16.5 Months = 30 lbs
20 Months = 16kg (35.2 lbs)