my bb began to hate milk when he was 1.5 month old... now 5 month he still hates it... we fed him while he is sleeping... it works... also we let him eat "wu jai" 1 week ago... so far he likes it...
My bb is 6.5 mos now. She started to hate milk since 3 mos and I gave her rice cereal. Now, she only take about 10 oz of milk everyday and I give her 3-4 meals of rice cereal mixed with congee.
Rice cereal is less nutritious than milk. My bb only weighs 6.5 kg now. However, it's better than taking only 10 oz of milk. I also added food like carrot, fish, beancurd, vegetables, etc. I will also give her cheese from time to time as a source of calcium and proteins.
Only 1 month jeh... my bb has been 厭奶 since 2 months old... now 5 month 1 week... no sign of improvement... we try not to waste the powder by reducing the milk from 6oz to 4.5oz... and we introdcuted 1 cereal since last week... sigh.... no method la................... later when he can eat congee, may be better...
I also feed my bb when he is half asleep... it works!