Thanks for the information. However, I want to ask, if we are helping the ppl @ Sichuan, why involve協康會,香港基督教協進會, 公益金 etc. ?? I don't think they have contribution to the ppl in mainland......please throw some light on this.
This had puzzled me a lot as a professional institution of HK put up a list of way to make donation to several organizations and they have even involve 東華三院
If anyone of you have any idea, please share with me. Thank you.
I am NOT saying that we shouldn't donate to these local organizations......but, if we are talking about the ppl in mainland, what could these local organizations offer ??? This, I think, is also what we should think about before making the donation.
[ 本文章最後由 fungwongphie 於 08-5-22 10:38 編輯 ]
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