產品名稱:多功能迷你料理機產品型號:shake n Take額定電壓:220V~50Hz額定功率:250W果汁杯容量:500ML包裝:彩盒包裝關於使用方法
功能: 打蛋、和面、混合、攪拌、切菜、碎冰、碎肉、榨汁、制奶昔
電源電壓: 220(V)
使用注意:(這款是出口德國的Shake n Take果汁機)。
,然後插上電,放上要榨的水果 ,
The Shake 'N Take is a great size for a single serving of a protein shake, smoothie or whatever drink you need to mix. It mixes up quickly, can crush ice so your drink is nice & cold, and it's small enough so you can take it with you anywhere. I use it for a quick protein shake meal when I'm in a hurry. I am looking to buy another container so others can have a quick shake too without having to wash out the one container it comes with. Great gift idea!
Shake *Take is the perfect solution if you don't have time to eat, but need a healthy, energizing smoothie to take with you on the go. Blend and drink from the same 16 ounce bottle. Crushes ice instantly! Compact size fits auto cup holder. Plugs into any standard outlet. Features high-powered base motor and spill-resistant, flip top lid straw.
快捷可拆式部件設計,清洗方便.擁有強勁的動力, 機身采用食用級進口塑料精制而成.刀片采用進口優質不鏽鋼材料,攪打輕松自如.集榨汁、攪拌、碎冰、混和 於一體.
The Shake 'N Take is a great size for a single serving of a protein shake, smoothie or whatever drink you need to mix. It mixes up quickly, can crush ice so your drink is nice & cold, and it's small enough so you can take it with you anywhere. I use it for a quick protein shake meal when I'm in a hurry. I am looking to buy another container so others can have a quick shake too without having to wash out the one container it comes with. Great gift idea! Shake *Take is the perfect solution if you don't have time to eat, but need a healthy, energizing smoothie to take with you on the go. Blend and drink from the same 16 ounce bottle. Crushes ice instantly! Compact size fits auto cup holder. Plugs into any standard outlet. Featureshigh-powered base motor and spill-resistant, flip top lid straw.