I am on HK island. which brand of battery would you recommend to change to? dch quotes me Hkd 14xx for 原裝電。 a shop in wanchai quotes Hkd 15xx for big size Porsche.
any Car repair shop on HK island recommended? please help. thanks
oh I can call my ins to send an emergency service to jump-start the battery. it happened almost two years ago, then I brought to a nearby car repair shop. he replaced it with an Asian brand, which now lasts not more than two years. so I wish to find another battery that may last a bit longer.
I am in cwb, tin Hau area, but can go to east or wanchai on HK island . anyway I could call the service anytime within one or two days so long I find a shop to replace the battery.
thank you. I intend to replace it with a battery under 1000 if it can last for almost two years, exactly as you mentioned the duration of famous brands are similar to that by annualized amount.
a shop told me even replacing with an expensive one of a famous brand name, due to the car has been running for some years, the battery won\'t last long as the first and original one. so they suggested a Korean brand or one that cost not as much. may I know if this is true? thanks.
yes. few weeks ago, it took longer than usual seconds to start the engine. last week, the right sliding door could not be closed fully while I was starting or before I started the engine.
thanks. i found there are two shops 利行 on Google Map. are they the same shop? the one on the left with pirelli, another on the right named Lee Hang Motor.