I think it is good for both of you to 離婚
It is because your husband treats you 'bad'. He never treats you as his wife and families.
However, you also treat your husband's families 'bad' You treat your 62,99, 阿爺阿嫲 as beggars
=> 1500 for 62 and 99 for living expenses, 200 for 阿爺阿嫲 as 買餸$!!!!! (living in HK nowadays....total 1700??? how come?)
至於我阿媽嗰邊, 我不嬲都無俾家用, 佢哋而家知我無做嘢, 更加無問我攞$, 仲話如果我離婚, 佢哋會支持我 ...
=> if they support you, then back home and live with your parents. Your life will be happier.