




積分: 1797

發表於 08-9-13 02:32 |顯示全部帖子
Agent介紹呢個工人比我, 但佢係比人terminated嘅. Agent話前僱主覺得佢做嘢都ok, 只係同佢4歲大個仔唔係咁夾. 但又唔可以聯絡前僱主, 唔可以作實.

請問有冇呢個菲傭的前僱主喺度? 可否告知實情, pm我. 謝謝幫忙!

[ 本文章最後由 matmum 於 08-9-19 01:55 編輯 ]


積分: 1797

發表於 08-9-17 02:01 |顯示全部帖子

原文章由 matmum 於 08-9-13 02:32 發表
Agent介紹呢個工人比我, 但佢係比人terminated嘅. Agent話前僱主覺得佢做嘢都ok, 只係同佢4歲大個仔唔係咁夾. 但又唔可以聯絡前僱主, 唔可以作實.

請問有冇呢個菲傭的前僱主喺度? 可否告知實情, pm我. 謝謝幫忙! ...


積分: 1915

發表於 08-9-17 13:19 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #2 matmum 的文章

why you cannot contact her previous employer ? a little bit tricky !


積分: 223810

2018復活節勳章 醒目開學勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 08-9-17 13:21 |顯示全部帖子
既然係斷約o既我就唔會考慮, 連interview都唔駛.


積分: 1417

發表於 08-9-17 14:22 |顯示全部帖子
I totally agreed!

原文章由 DoReMi媽媽 於 08-9-17 13:21 發表
既然係斷約o既我就唔會考慮, 連interview都唔駛.


積分: 1797

發表於 08-9-18 02:07 |顯示全部帖子
唉! 有得選擇嘅話, 我都唔想請比人terminated. (我以前一定唔考慮). 但我係stay in mum, 完約嗰啲唔鍾意有僱主睇實晒.
Agents又搵唔到比我. 好似週圍都供不應求咁, 海外嗰啲又要博一博. 我就係剛剛炒咗個海外, 浪費咗時間及金錢去隔山買牛.

最幣係我冇請工人運! 唔計剛剛炒呢個, 我之前兩個工人都攪到我一頭煙. 我都知冇前僱主reference有問題, 所以希望bk搵到前僱主. 我而家都係十五十六!

請工人真係好煩, 有又煩, 冇又煩!


積分: 3174

發表於 08-9-18 08:27 |顯示全部帖子
全職媽媽何解唔請個oversea? 總好過摶一個被炒麻!!


積分: 1797

發表於 08-9-18 15:06 |顯示全部帖子
Overseas 牌面好,實質又未必好 (只是根據我及親戚嘅經驗). 都係要博. 仲有有啲係佢被teminated又當自己全新海外. 問題係如果terminated但有前僱主reference就唔同講法. 完約當然最好啦. 搵個好嘅工人真係唔易又頭痛.想快啲解決.

原文章由 des1971 於 08-9-18 08:27 發表
全職媽媽何解唔請個oversea? 總好過摶一個被炒麻!!


積分: 24035

好媽媽勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 08-9-18 15:17 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 DoReMi媽媽 於 08-9-17 13:21 發表
既然係o既我就唔會考慮, 連interview都唔駛.

I have one 斷約 Yan Yan in my house now who claimed that her ex-employer migrated to Cannda and so no employer's contact could be provided. (Actually it was the agent who told me this). Now I find that it's totally a trap. And now I regret!!!!!

Do you want to be like me??? Think twice!!!


積分: 223810

2018復活節勳章 醒目開學勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章

發表於 08-9-18 15:24 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 matmum 於 08-9-18 02:07 發表
唉! 有得選擇嘅話, 我都唔想請比人terminated. (我以前一定唔考慮). 但我係stay in mum, 完約嗰啲唔鍾意有僱主睇實晒.
Agents又搵唔到比我. 好似週圍都供不應求咁, 海外嗰啲又要博一博. 我就係剛剛炒咗個海外, 浪費咗時間及金錢去隔山買牛.

最幣係我冇請工人運! 唔計剛剛炒呢個, 我之前兩個工人都攪到我一頭煙. 我都知冇前僱主reference有問題, 所以希望bk搵到前僱主. 我而家都係十五十六!

請工人真係好煩, 有又煩, 冇又煩!

我明白你o既難處, 因為我都係stay in mum, 係好難揾工人, 我舊工人幫我喺church揾, 屋企附近揾, 有啲一聽到係stay in mum就擰晒頭, 有啲肯嚟見我工人又唔鈡意佢哋, 結果千揀萬揀(係佢哋揀我同埋我工人揀佢哋), 揀着第1個, 前僱主唔肯早放佢, visa年初一到期, 年三十先放佢走, 時間太趕, 我又唔熟啲例, 唔博啦, 第2個, body check肺片有事, 要back out contract, 第3個話明要我俾日用品, 又問我年紀大唔大得過佢, 怕食佢唔住, 唔要啦, 第4個就請着個偷錢貪心工人, 而家喺我屋企乜都唔識做o既係第5個, 我請人都請到怕囉! 我喺agent度見人, 啲賓一聽到係stay in mum冇人願interview, 只係得2個terminated o既想見, 但我唔肯見, 唔想博, 之後agent call我有哩個完約肯見喎, 咪卒之請咗哩個乜都唔識做o既大小姐返屋企囉! 而家佢正在接受我o既training中.


積分: 1797

發表於 08-9-19 01:03 |顯示全部帖子
Sorry to hear about that!
I just don't understand why the agent has no responsibility to cross check the truth of the information from the
helper. They charge us not just help us to do the processing of application but to find us a right candidate, right?

原文章由 pollyw 於 08-9-18 15:17 發表

I have one 斷約 Yan Yan in my house now who claimed that her ex-employer migrated to Cannda and so no employer's contact could be provided. (Actually it was the agent who told me this). Now I fin ...


積分: 1797

發表於 08-9-19 01:54 |顯示全部帖子

找到菲傭Janice A, Dxxxxx的前僱主喇!

係啦, 啲工人真係好揀工. 聽完你咁講同睇完"非常姐姐", 都係嗰句"睇運数"!

今日Agent催我回覆, 因呢個被terminated嘅姐姐明天到期要走, 我強烈要求接觸舊僱主, 終於聯絡上!! 起初佢話工人都ok, 但同佢個仔夾唔到, 冇打佢個仔嘅, 做嘢亁淨ok, 誠實, . 我有點懷疑, 於是問冇缺點咩? 佢話有時溝通唔到, 可能佢自己講得太快, 有時叫佢做a但做咗b. 有時"論盡"啲. 我interview時佢cooking都可以.英文都ok, 睇佢好似都勤力嘅!但做嘢比較慢同”論盡”,有自己一套. ..........


原文章由 DoReMi媽媽 於 08-9-18 15:24 發表

我明白你o既難處, 因為我都係stay in mum, 係好難揾工人, 我舊工人幫我喺church揾, 屋企附近揾, 有啲一聽到係stay in mum就擰晒頭, 有啲肯嚟見我工人又唔鈡意佢哋, 結果千揀萬揀(係佢哋揀我同埋我工人揀佢哋), 揀着 ...


積分: 5203

發表於 08-9-19 17:20 |顯示全部帖子
Do you think you have contacted the "REAL" ex-employer??mouth: mouth:

原文章由 matmum 於 08-9-19 01:54 發表
係啦, 啲工人真係好揀工. 聽完你咁講同睇完"非常姐姐", 都係嗰句"睇運数"!

今日Agent催我回覆, 因呢個被terminated嘅姐姐明天到期要走, 我強烈要求接觸舊僱主, 終於聯絡上!! 起初佢話工人都ok, 但同佢個仔夾唔到, ...


積分: 17220

發表於 08-9-19 18:06 |顯示全部帖子
唔係想潑你泠水, 你sure 同你傾果位係ex-empolyer, 我就聽過有人假扮係ex-empolyer 呃人ge story.


積分: 1797

發表於 08-9-20 00:23 |顯示全部帖子
我都有咁嘅懷疑, 但又可以做啲乜. 唉!


積分: 1275

發表於 08-9-20 07:42 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 matmum 於 08-9-20 00:23 發表
我都有咁嘅懷疑, 但又可以做啲乜. 唉!


積分: 5203

發表於 08-9-20 11:15 |顯示全部帖子
You can send the letter to the ex-employer according the address on the contract, and ask the ex-employer to call you back , of course you must clamed that you have talk to her before and want to clarify.

原文章由 matmum 於 08-9-20 00:23 發表
我都有咁嘅懷疑, 但又可以做啲乜. 唉!


積分: 5203

發表於 08-9-20 11:27 |顯示全部帖子
Also I want to tell you my brother's story "ANA".

One BK mon hired the maid "ANA" (that is the special name of yan yan) and found that the maid is not as good as the ex-employer told her, so she raised her case in BK forum, and my borther found that she is his fired ex-maiid and he never taught with the Bk mon. That Bk mon is lucky to take back some agent fee.

原文章由 wangmami 於 08-9-20 11:15 發表
You can send the letter to the ex-employer according the address on the contract, and ask the ex-employer to call you back , of course you must clamed that you have talk to her before and want to clar ...


積分: 331

發表於 08-9-25 17:17 |顯示全部帖子
can you tell me more her infomation? as i just terminated my maid, she is called Janice and need to take my kids
four years old, their relationship is no good, so i terminate the contract

原文章由 matmum 於 08-9-13 02:32 發表
Agent介紹呢個工人比我, 但佢係比人terminated嘅. Agent話前僱主覺得佢做嘢都ok, 只係同佢4歲大個仔唔係咁夾. 但又唔可以聯絡前僱主, 唔可以作實.

請問有冇呢個菲傭的前僱主喺度? 可否告知實情, pm我. 謝謝幫忙! ...


積分: 1797

發表於 08-9-26 00:48 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Momei,

Is it you? Is it you the one I talked on phone? Could
you please check pm? Thank you very much!

原文章由 momei 於 08-9-25 17:17 發表
can you tell me more her infomation? as i just terminated my maid, she is called Janice and need to take my kids
four years old, their relationship is no good, so i terminate the contract


