




積分: 3239

發表於 04-7-19 01:06 |顯示全部帖子


我bb 而家9個多月了, 我早上埋身喂及另一邊泵先返工,
14:00左右 6.5安母乳
17:00左右 6.5安母乳
20:30左右 糊仔
00:30左右 6.5-7安母乳, 我是泵出來比bb 食
通常訓到6am 左右就叫食, 有時5點幾, 我會躺喂的,
bb 一天大概飲4安水, 唔鐘意飲果汁
你地的bb schedule 係點, 一天飲幾多水?


積分: 7995

發表於 04-7-19 13:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

Moses is 2 days bigger than your baby. my schedule is :
7:00 pump one side, feed another side
9:45 or 10:00 - 7 ozs breastmilk. ( bottle)
11:00 - fruit ( banana, or pear, or papaya)
1:30 - oatmeal cereal with chicken, pumpkin or vetgi
2:00 - 3 ozs breastmilk( bottle)
5:30: congee with fish, vetgi or tomato ...
6:30 - 3 ozs breastmilk ( bottle)
9:00 - direct feed * he is not hungry, just only want
to stick to me for comfort when i return.

11:00 - direct feed
midnight - sometimes wokes up twice for directly feed, sometimes once.

* actually i want to cut his 2 bottles of the breastmilk 3 ozs, because he must be full after 1 bowl of ceral or congee, but sometimes he is crying for milk, so i cannot reduce the time for pumping daily, can only skip the pumping when sat/sun.


積分: 8236

發表於 04-7-19 14:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

My boy was born in Nov 03 (now 8-1/2 months). His schedule is:
9:30 - 4 oz breast milk by bottle
12:30 - 1 bowl congee (fish w/ veg)
4:30 - 4 oz breast milk by bottle
6:30 - fruit
7:30 - direct feed (doesn't eat much)
9:30-10:00 - direct feed
2 - 3 times during the night

The problem is when I direct feed him when he's awake, he'll be disturbed by - (1) my elder daughter, (2) noise around, etc. so cannot eat much. (But if I feed him at 7-8pm by bottle, he can drink 2-3 oz. ) The best time to feed him is 9:30 - 10:00 before he sleeps, he can eat both sides from me.

I would like to increase one more time congee for him, but some people say he'll then drink less milk. What do you think? My boy eats congee very well, normally finish one bowl in ten minutes. But for milk, he can only finishes 4 oz at most every time.

I only pump one time during lunch hour (4-6 oz) and one more time at round 7pm after work (3 - 4 oz). Just enough for 2 times milk the next day.

I tried to feed him before I go to work (around 7am) but he doesn't eat (maybe because he eats at around 5 - 6 am when he is sleeping).

Since the last 2-3 weeks, he still wake up 2-3 times at night but seems not eating much.

I now


積分: 3239

發表於 04-7-19 15:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

bb 每次樽喂都係食4安左右咁少, 同埋只食一餐固體食物, 但食多一餐係會食少左奶, 你可以比糊仔佢食架, 純米糊 + 母乳咪得囉! bb 亦可以食返母乳

Janis, monmantong,
你地bb 都仲有食夜奶呀, 而家我b 12點幾食完, 半夜有時5點幾就叫, 有時6點幾, 亦試過4點幾, 訓唔夠4粒鐘又被嘈醒, 都好辛苦喎

moses 有食生果呀, 我都冇點比生果adonis 食, 佢唔鐘意食餅仔, 唔鐘意飲果汁, 係呢, 你開米糊係純米糊加母乳嗎?



積分: 5774

發表於 04-7-19 15:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

小玫瑰(十個月大)的schedule 如下:

8:00am - direct feed (pump milk while feeding)
9:30am - bread or cereal (with fruit juice and fruit)
12:00pm - congee (with meat and vegetables)
4:00pm - 5 oz expressed milk
5:00pm (sometimes) - fruits or snacks (crackers)
7:00pm - congee (with meat and vegetables)
8:00pm - I pump milk after dinner
8:30pm - direct feed after bath (just to stick to me)
10:00pm - direct feed and sleep through the night till 8:am.


積分: 3239

發表於 04-7-19 16:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

小玫瑰可以由10pm-8am 唔使飲奶奶咁好呀
睇你的schedule, 咁小玫瑰只是喂一次在你返工時


積分: 7995

發表於 04-7-19 18:08 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

Moses does not like drinking water by bottle, i can only feed him by spoon, but not much, everytime my maid feeds him water by spoon , about 1 oz or more after congee or cereal. but if on holiday, i seldom give water to him, he always needs my milk, so i feed him by demand( unlimited), sometimes he just wants to stick to me.
i have a problem about feeding him solid, everytime on Sunday, he refuses to eat the congee or cereal
when i feed him, he will cry heavily when eating half, as he needs me to hold him instead of sitting on the high chair, and need me to feed him instead.

last Fri, when i returned from office(typhoon), when my maid was feeding him the congee, and when he saw me, he cried heavily and said" ma ma ....".
so i have to hiden until he finished the congee.

he does not like the juice as well, so i gave him the fruit, he loves banana very much, he eats small one everyday.

曉晴, since you are also the member of sept mama, i want to see you too, will you come to the breastfeeding gathering on coming Sat?


積分: 5774

發表於 04-7-20 08:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule


小玫瑰不肯飲清水, 但每天我們都會用3 oz 果汁加6oz 水, 開一支好淡的果汁給她, 她會食野時飲, 通常一日都會飲哂, 有時不夠飲時, 我會令外開3-4oz葡萄糖水(十分淡)給她。她每天最後一次飲水的時候是食完7點那餐粥仔。之後佢扭計或口渴, 我都給她direct feed。所以小玫瑰一天大概飲9oz水。

由於小玫瑰日間太八卦, 所以訓得好少, 所以到9點幾鐘就開始謝。但我會等到10點後才真正關燈"暗"她訓, 因為要真係令到佢根歇力皮才不會浪費時間"暗"佢。

小玫瑰習慣一個人訓, 以前要食夜奶時, 我老公都是抱給我餵, 餵飽後就把她抱回BB床。當小玫瑰大些時, 她就不容易受外來物乾擾, 可以一覺訓到大天光。我發現, 若要BB夜晚訓得好些, 日間一定要訓得好, 就算少, 那些少的訓覺時間都係要good quality的(即訓得霖)。而且要定時定後, 不能今天10pm訓, 明天12am才訓。營造一個訓覺習慣和氣紛, 使BB知道做這些動作便是訓覺時間。

至於小玫瑰能一覺訓天光, 和她習慣一個人訓(個人獨立性)有沒有關係, 我沒有做過實驗, 所以不能定斷。


積分: 743

發表於 04-7-20 09:40 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

My daugher is 8 months now and her eating schedule is:

0700 Direct feed
1100 Congee with meat/vegetagles/fish
1330 Some fruits (apple/cheeries/banana/grapes/pears)
1500 Expressed milk (5 oz)
1830 Congee with meat/vegetagles/fish
2000 Some fruits
2030 Direct feed
2300 Direct feed
and 2 times direct feeding during night time.

Since she doesn't refuse drinking water, I therefore haven't give her any juice. My mother will let her drink some water during day time or after congee. She drinks around 8 oz water each day.

Good on you! Manman still wakes up 2 times at night (sleep at 2300 & wake up at 0400 & 0600 for mama milk)!

I'm so happy as I prepared the congee last Sunday & feed Manman myself, she can eat 1 bowl! I guessed it must be she like to chicken congee with vegetables very much
旻旻體重:20.11.03 - 3.275kg height - 49cm5.12.03 - 3.65kg22.12.03 - 4.66kg6.1.04 - 5.3kg27.1.03 - 6kg 21.2.04 - 6.59kg27.4.04 - 8.4kg   height - 66cm29.5.04 - 8.68kg24.7.04 - 9.31kg7.9.04 - 9.7kg    height - 73.4cm13.11.04 - 10.38kg28.12.04 - 10.5kg   height - 76.5cm28.12.04 - 我識行啦  :lalala:17.12.05 - height - 87.5cm


積分: 8236

發表於 04-7-20 10:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

my bb doesn't like 米糊, that's why I am considering to add one more time congee for him.
BTW, just like your bb, he drinks a lot of water, but doesn't like juice and biscuits. I think he likes eating more than drinking, he can finish congee / fruit (e.g. banana/apple) very fast. I let him drink water everytime after eating.

How many times you express milk in office? Since my bb doesn't eat much, I am planning to skip one time pumping in office during lunch time and only pump at home immediately after returning from office. Do you think it works? I realise that some mummies only feed directly before and after work but no pumping during the day time, I am wondering if that works. Pls share your views.


積分: 3239

發表於 04-7-20 10:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

this sat. , i do not have time, sorry.
你地通常在那裡gathering 架?
moses 一見到你要扭你抱抱, 因為會有奶奶食嘛, 佢都飲好少水喎, 咁大大情況點呀?

真係好啦, 一覺到天光, 嘩! 小玫瑰可以飲咁多水架


adonis 起初唔肯飲水架, 因為6個月之前係未飲水, 到食固體食物後當然要飲d 水啦, 佢一試到味係水, 就唔肯飲, 最慘連果汁都唔飲, 所以我要 "罐" 佢飲架, 到而家都可以飲到 4oz 水, 我怕佢冇得去大大呀, 成4-5天先一次
似乎大家的喂奶schedule 都差不多, 咁你地返工後的o個支奶奶係飲幾時的存貨架, adonis有時飲昨天的, 有時飲2weeks 前的冰奶
係呢, 你地儲左幾耐的奶奶呀?


積分: 4221

發表於 04-7-20 10:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule


6:00am direct feed
11:00am solid food+mama milk
3:00pm solid food+mama milk
7:00pm direct feed




積分: 7995

發表於 04-7-20 10:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

Moses's soil is very normal, he craps everyday, or every other day, he has big big soil, i can distingish which " one " is from breastmilk, which is from " solid" food, he has enough water which i learn from his soil. i don't mind feeding him at midnight because i can have enough milk the nex day, also, because i sleep with him, i can laid down and feed him, so i still can sleep.

for pumping, i still pump my milk as below:
11:00 am- hand express my milk to the bottle- 4 ozs
1:15 pm- lunch time- pumping more 3 ozs.
6:00 pm - after office hr- pumping 6-6 ozs.

previously i will pump and feed at the same time at 10:30 pm, but now i skip because i have around 50 ozs stock.. but sometimes afraid it is not enough...
i keep around 1 month.

ps: i meet a new mother at the feeding room last sat, her baby is 2.1/2 months, she said she has " too much milk" , her stock is over 200packs of milk, no more space to keep.


積分: 743

發表於 04-7-20 13:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

I used to pump 2 times at office (12:00 noon & 5:00 pm). As Manman refused bottle feed very much & only drink 5-6oz each day, I therefore skip one time when she is 7 months old. Started from late June, I only pump milk at 3:30 pm (~ 7-8oz) at office. It's more than what she needs.

For milk stock, I only keep 20 oz (actually my daugher will not drink, she hate expressed milk very much no wonder it's fresh or frozen one).
旻旻體重:20.11.03 - 3.275kg height - 49cm5.12.03 - 3.65kg22.12.03 - 4.66kg6.1.04 - 5.3kg27.1.03 - 6kg 21.2.04 - 6.59kg27.4.04 - 8.4kg   height - 66cm29.5.04 - 8.68kg24.7.04 - 9.31kg7.9.04 - 9.7kg    height - 73.4cm13.11.04 - 10.38kg28.12.04 - 10.5kg   height - 76.5cm28.12.04 - 我識行啦  :lalala:17.12.05 - height - 87.5cm


積分: 3239

發表於 04-7-20 14:02 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

我以為你係全職媽媽o添, 唔見講下, 嘩, 小悅一天飲咁多水架! 咁一定唔會便秘啦, Adonis 飲咁多就好啦, 成日都要 “監” 佢飲
如果得一兩包冰奶存貨, 我就好驚啦, 我而家大概只有 100oz 存貨, 兩星期左右

Moses 大大咁正常就好啦, Adonis 有時痾得一半要我地 “豆” 佢痾先痾架, 最耐一次係第5天先有, 真係唔知佢食完的固體食物去晒邊
那個媽咪咁勁!! 2.5month 已經有 200pad 奶, 佢呢個係咪第一個bb 黎, 或者之前已有經驗呢, 我係用樽儲存, 我驚袋會有膠味, 因為曾經我的friend 試過用avent袋, 座暖後bb 唔肯飲, 原來就係陣膠袋味, 不過用樽就好浪費位置囉, 由於冰格仲有其他食物存放, 變左d 奶樽都要左 “室” 右 “室”

旻旻唔肯用奶樽喂, 咁你返工佢咪飲少左, 你冇在坐月返工前, train 佢用奶樽? 可能adonis 初出世時係奶粉 + 母乳關係, 到我返工時就全母乳, 用奶樽喂亦冇問題, 但旻旻飲水都係用奶樽, 又冇問題?
Adonis 的中文名都係有個 “旻” 字, 起初係 “汶” 同 “旻” 選, “汶” 比較女仔d, 因為我公司有女同事係呢個字, 於是選 “旻”, 意思代表秋天, 而bb 亦是在秋天出世


積分: 743

發表於 04-7-20 14:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

我o係坐月&返工前已train旻旻用bottle架啦,但其實佢唔係太鍾意,每次一見到個奶樽就cry. 只係因為佢o個陣仲細所以可以迫佢飲.但而家大左,佢一見到樽奶已經合埋口唔肯飲.我媽咪要軟硬兼施先可以用杯餵佢5-6安奶.

至於飲水呢,佢多數都係用杯,如用奶樽既話佢有時心情好就會啜,心情唔好就一啖都唔飲!好難捉摸 ?-(


p.s.嘻嘻,我都唔知""旻"字係代表秋天,咁都幾好呀!咁唔知旻旻係咪秋天出世呢 (11月20日)
旻旻體重:20.11.03 - 3.275kg height - 49cm5.12.03 - 3.65kg22.12.03 - 4.66kg6.1.04 - 5.3kg27.1.03 - 6kg 21.2.04 - 6.59kg27.4.04 - 8.4kg   height - 66cm29.5.04 - 8.68kg24.7.04 - 9.31kg7.9.04 - 9.7kg    height - 73.4cm13.11.04 - 10.38kg28.12.04 - 10.5kg   height - 76.5cm28.12.04 - 我識行啦  :lalala:17.12.05 - height - 87.5cm


積分: 123

發表於 04-7-22 09:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

Hi all mummys,
You all seems have your bb's weighing every month.
Tell me where can i get one and i want to record Carsten's weight every month too.
How about the body length?

Carsten already changes to 2 congee meals per day. His schedule is like this, but i am still afraid he will get more and more weight. So, I am still figuring out snack time for fruits.

7:30am - direct feed
11:00am - a fulll bowl of congee
3:30pm - 5oz bottle feed
6:30pm - a bowl of congee
8:00pm - some fish, veggie and soup (feeding during my dinner time)
9:30pm - direct feed till falling asleep
midnight - 1, 2 or 3 times direct feed till the other morning.

I always see some mums feed oatmeal to bb, what is that, where can i buy it?
I want so in order to let Carsten 'DUMP DUMP' every day.

Thanks, Lyon
My Little lovely son, Carsten was born on 16 Sept 2003.


積分: 824

發表於 04-7-22 10:16 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-10-29 16:20 編輯 ]


積分: 7995

發表於 04-7-22 12:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

for baby 9-12 monthes, solid food will be 50% of his diet, leftover 50% will be milk.

see click here - FROM DR.SEARS

also, as per health center, baby should have 2 meals of soild and 4 meals of milk for this age.


積分: 123

發表於 04-7-23 13:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問下返工的母乳媽媽喂奶schedule

Anyone can help me on this????
1) You all seems have your bb's weighing every month.
Tell me where can i get one and i want to record Carsten's weight every month too.
How about the body length?

2) I always see some mums feed oatmeal to bb, what is that, where can i buy it?
I want so in order to let Carsten 'DUMP DUMP' every day.
My Little lovely son, Carsten was born on 16 Sept 2003.



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