Five people often can not eat seafood
1. 患有痛風症、高尿酸血症和關節炎的人不宜吃海鮮,因海鮮嘌呤過高,易在關節內沉積尿酸結晶加重病情。
Patients suffering from gout, hyperuricemia and arthritis of the people should not eat seafood, seafood as a result of excessive purine and easy in the joints to increase the deposition of uric acid crystals condition.
2. 過敏體質的人應慎食海鮮,因為除了避免食用特定的過敏原之外,海鮮過敏並沒有很好的預防方法。富含組胺的紅肉魚也要少吃。
Allergy should Shensi seafood, because in addition to avoiding specific food allergens, allergic to seafood and not a very good method of prevention. The histamine-rich fish have to eat less red meat.
3. 孕婦和乳母應當少吃海鮮,因為目前我國海產品的污染狀況十分嚴重,特別是含汞量普遍超標,而汞可以影響胎兒和嬰兒的大腦和神經發育。
Pregnant women and lactating mothers should eat seafood, because the current situation of China's marine pollution is very serious, in particular over the general level of mercury, and mercury can affect fetal and infant brain and neurological development.
4. 甲狀腺機能亢進者應少吃海鮮,因為含碘較多,可加重病情。
Hyperthyroidism should eat seafood, as more iodine can increase the illness.
5. 平日吃冷涼食物容易腹瀉和胃腸敏感的人應當少吃海鮮,以免發生腹痛、腹瀉的狀況。
On weekdays to eat cold food easily diarrhea and gastrointestinal sensitive people should eat seafood, in order to avoid abdominal pain and diarrhea.