heiB 發表於 16-4-20 12:33 
回覆 MissLEE1970 的帖子
As mentioned by other apart from switching another USB ports, check if printer available under "device and printers", local test print, connect printer to another PC, switching the USB cables, check USB ports under device manager, ... u name it.
If still not OK, remove printer driver at PC and then let it identify the printer again.
Installing printer driver (yeap, grab it via internet and then install it, no CD required) have an advantage. The driver usually comes with tool that allow u to test print. With that, u could eliminate factor that caused by MS office.
Good luck.
"And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream."
"Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor. 'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space."
"The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team."