原文章由 PPyeung 於 08-10-14 20:07 發表
thanks. though i can try again after 6 months, i also
go to bb kingdom and share info.
very tough road for me to have bb. luckily i'm still
very strong and don't give up.
原文章由 tang_taitai 於 08-10-15 15:51 發表
我都有一個子宮瘤 (around 6cm), 但u/s睇到嘅位置係後面, 我個醫生話要開刀抽起個子宮先清除到, 前後要休養半年, 做微創 6cm 都ok 嗎?
謝謝 ...
原文章由 小K 於 08-10-15 22:16 發表
Hello,我找陳煥堂醫生(養和)做微創手術割子宮肌瘤,我都係因為為了生BB才去做.都要$65k,在8月尾做,休息2個星期後返工,到9月尾1O月頭,我同老公做功課..........今天發現自己有了BB!!!:D但下個星期再要check下個胎會否移到子宮裏 ...