



積分: 55

發表於 08-11-10 23:11 |只看該作者
我想帶個女去evergreen baby影相,唔知有冇媽咪有去過影啊!


積分: 4622

發表於 08-11-23 23:49 |只看該作者
我8月尾影了, 出來的效果冇想像中好, follow up 非常差, 到10月尾才交課, 又時常弄錯了細節. 我們投訴後, 老闆親自打給我們, 送了多些東西給我們, 不知現在改善了他們的service沒有


積分: 313

發表於 08-11-25 23:00 |只看該作者
me 2...
I joined the package and took the photos in Oct.......but I've informed to get the photos till now....
poor service and follow up work...


積分: 1

發表於 08-12-9 23:18 |只看該作者

Greetings from Evergreen Baby

Dear Sirs:

I am the Director of Evergreen Baby, and I'd like to firstly thank you for your past support and secondly apologize for your dissatisfactory experience with us. I wish for your kind patience to read out the followings.

We, as evergreen baby, are formed by a team of relatively young members with only one ambition: That is to let every family in HK to share Love within. Simply because we are also parents, children, brothers, sisters, lovers… and we are touched to tears from time to time with the tiniest piece of affections within our own families.

We do believe we have the talent, skill, technology, and most of all, our heart, to provide to our customers with quality of products and services.

However, we are young… Our initial idea was to let our designers (dream-catchers) to provide most of communications and services to customers, where thoughts and creativities may be inspired by facing customers from time to time. As from your comments, we have realized now that our talented designers are also only human, and they make mistakes and omissions while facing mounting number of customers.

This is all managerial failures from me, and therefore I shall apologize again for any inappropriateness incurred. The only thing I want you all to know is how sincere we are from bottom of our hearts, and how serious we are to correct any past mistakes. From mid of November, we have re-engineered our process flow, such that all customer’s case are followed up by our shop management individually. That doesn’t mean our designer will step back from customer communications, but rather, they have to report on a daily basis with every comment and request and progress of a customer. Also, aside from daily monitoring and facilitation from store management on communication with customers, we have also stepped up our control with all suppliers, even with higher costs, just to avoid any possible delays that may have adverse impact to our customers. We are also upgrading our website where on-albums are provided with discussion zone and direct access to top management if any dissatisfaction arises. All of those shall be in force within days.

May I emphasis again that, we are different not from what we do, but from what we believe, the belief of love and the strength and beauty within. I await for any of your enquiries and comments, just to allow us a chance to demonstrate our course of belief and determination of which.

Yours sincerely
Yang Ji
On behalf of evergreen baby
With Love.


