My baby is around 18lb now, I will come back to HK next week,the size of 尿片 in US is difference, so please tell me which size "M or L" I need to buy and which brand is good. I am using Pampers Cursiers 5 (27+lb)right now.
I use Pampers, the purple colour bag one (dunno the name of the line), my son is 8.4kg now & he uses M size.
原文章由 <i>coltonchen</i> 於 08-11-21 04:27 發表
My baby is around 18lb now, I will come back to HK next week,the size of 尿片 in US is difference, so please tell me which size "M or L" I need to buy and which brand is good. I am using Pampers Cur ...
原文章由 coltonchen 於 08-11-23 08:21 發表
so where I can buy Merries or Nepia?
Merries - You can buy it online from B&M or 東西貿易. However, the price has grown up tremendously recently.
I would suggest you can try Nepia. I think it is more economical and the quality is better than Pampers and Huggies. My baby will have rashes when he uses pampers and Huggies.
Nepia, you can buy at Park n Shop. It's only HKD 70.00 for 48 pieces.
You can try M size coz Nepia and Merries' size is relatively bigger than Pampers and Huggies.