




積分: 232

發表於 08-12-2 22:42 |只看該作者
I am back to work for 2 days, but my little baby does not want to suck into the bottles. he only takes 2 ozs each time, and only consumes 6 ozs when i was away...
as i planned to give him 4 ozs each time ( he is 2 months). whenever my maid feeds him, he cried heavily and didn't want to drink, unless he is very hungry, but he only drinks 2 ozs maxi.. but he is about 13 lbs, i concern he will lose his weight.. any help?

also, when i am back to home today, he immediately sucks into my breast and when sucking, it seems that he is complaining by making some noises to me.


積分: 173621

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發表於 08-12-3 07:55 |只看該作者
原文章由 EGGPLANT200 於 08-12-2 22:42 發表
I am back to work for 2 days, but my little baby does not want to suck into the bottles. he only takes 2 ozs each time, and only consumes 6 ozs when i was away...
as i planned to give him 4 ozs each t ...


Don't worry, your little one can learn to get used to it soon. My daughter was even worse, she once only took 2 oz the whole day. Have you try different teats? I found that wide bottle with a bigger and softer teat may do the trick. Also, your son has been with you for so long and he's smart to choose the best

My mom used to talk to my daughter that when mommy is not around, she needs to drink from the bottle. Most of the time, she did not cooperate and it made feeding a pain everyday. But, I can tell you that it'll only get better and better. When your son learn that he'll rather be starved or drink from the bottle, he will surrender "one day". Ask your maid to just feed him according to the schedule. If he refuse to drink, let him starved and most likely he will drink when he's real hungry. It took me at almost 3 months to train my daughter. Now, she's okay with bottle-fed but of course, she will come to me when I'm around.

Give your son some time and be patient. 13 lb is not a small guy for 2 months old. In case that he's not losing a lot of weight rapidly, you can allow him to drink less at the beginning. He should be able to catch up later.


積分: 21496


發表於 08-12-3 09:47 |只看該作者
Eggplant200, rose-mag講得好O岩,我初初返工bb用avent奶樽,一來唔習慣食奶樽,二來佢唔鐘意個奶嘴,因為唔似媽媽乳頭,成個月都係食奶喊到拆天,後尾換左tommee tippee 仿乳房奶樽之後,佢好鐘意個奶嘴,真係好軟,就無再食奶樽扭計. 最緊要俾d時間bb習慣,到咁上下佢習慣左就會無事,我初先都好擔心,驚佢食唔夠,不過佢慢慢會知媽媽返左工係無得埋身食,bb自己個生理時間表會慢慢set up,don't worry!


積分: 232

發表於 08-12-3 10:18 |只看該作者
I am using " NUK", which should be okay for breasetfeed baby .. because my elder son used it when he was small, and my elder one didn't have such problem before.

I think my little one is more clever than my elder one, and he is so mature even he is 2 months..

原文章由 mamibbchu 於 08-12-3 09:47 發表
Eggplant200, rose-mag講得好O岩,我初初返工bb用avent奶樽,一來唔習慣食奶樽,二來佢唔鐘意個奶嘴,因為唔似媽媽乳頭,成個月都係食奶喊到拆天,後尾換左tommee tippee 仿乳房奶樽之後,佢好鐘意個奶嘴,真係好軟,就無再食 ...


積分: 21496


發表於 08-12-3 11:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 EGGPLANT200 於 08-12-3 10:18 發表
I am using " NUK", which should be okay for breasetfeed baby .. because my elder son used it when he was small, and my elder one didn't have such problem before.

I think my little one is more clever ...

EGGPLANT200, my girl tried NUK and CHUCHU (teats for breastfeeding babies) before using tommee tippee. My little girl hate them very very much, she even like avent more than NUK and CHUCHU. I think teats are only one of the possibilities. Every baby is different, your elder son like NUK but we are not sure your little son will like it also. I suggest u to train him as rose-mag had advised u, wait and see there is any improvement. If progress is slow, changing teats maybe a solution.


積分: 173621

2025勳章 2025勳章蛇年勳章 2024年龍年勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-12-3 14:41 |只看該作者

Just to supplement on what mamibbchu said, every baby is different. My son took Dr. Brown (normal one, not wide one) with no problem. He can drink from any bottle and he could finish 6oz in 15 minutes, would not let go until he finished the last drop of milk. He still like to use bottle even he's 2yr8mth old now (he's using a sippy cup which has a sprout like a teat). My daughter, on the other hand, is very picky on eating. She will leave half oz of milk anyway whatever we give her 4oz or 3oz. She keeps a record of taking an hour to finish 3oz of milk.

But, when my son bornt, he's premature and did not really latch on good. My daughter's sort of full term and latched on smartly in the first week. It just turned out that they have different eating habits, different attitudes. Breastfeeding babies are very smart and they know what's the best. Your baby is still young and you have just started to go back to work for a few days. Just like what I said, everything will get better as the baby learns everyday. When I went back to work, my daughter was already 4 months old and it took a long time for me to break her stubborness.



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