13. (搖控機械人)5 In 1 Remote Robot $180
32cm高 發聲,會步行,會跳舞,頭部轉左右,發射功能
Disc Shooting- Mr. Robot
1. Walks Forward and backward 2. Slide & Glide 3. Twists Head from Left to right
4. Twist & Turn 5. Robot Dance
14. Atmosphere Axis ~ Air Hogs $220
Control it with your hand
Wave control For 8+ 15. Acrobat Racer $80
Box size : 42cmx27cmx7cm (For 3+) 16. Thomas - Table Games $300
Box size : 58cmX51cmX16cm
17. Dragon Flyz $80
18. MARVEL -Flying Heroes $50up
For 4+
19. 女孩子的遙控車 $120
Lalaloopsy (Remote Control Car) 搖控車 20. Handmade Bracelets & Accessories ( 手鐲) $30 for 1
Create fashionable Up to 72ft peel-able strands
21. Bracelet Kit ~ 41 pcs ~SOLD 22.Stand Bands Designer Set ~62pcs $60 23. 方形 Pets cushion $120 for 2
Size: 18cm x 22cm x 13cm