原帖由 siuhungw 於 09-2-11 13:41 發表
I wanna to know where can learn English for K1 children in Aberdeen except Loving Tree.
I living in TinWan, but cannot find this workshop.
the loving tree has moved to above mcdonald in tin wan. they have many new courses. they have open day tomorrow and my daughter and her cousin will join also. you call 28700667 to ask ask.
原帖由 evanylho2 於 09-2-21 17:33 發表
the loving tree has moved to above mcdonald in tin wan. they have many new courses. they have open day tomorrow and my daughter and her cousin will join also. you call 28700667 to ask ask.
請問loving tree 導師是中國人或外籍人士(母語是說英文)? 請問有沒有其他家長已有一段長時間(一年)到上述地方學英文, 請給意見。