我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!
You are the sunshine of my life. That's why I'll always stay around. You are the apple of my eye. Forever you'll stay in my heart.
我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!
You are the sunshine of my life. That's why I'll always stay around. You are the apple of my eye. Forever you'll stay in my heart.
我地去 Quarry Bay 個間架,早幾個月前司機位隻窗有事﹝唔可以一次過關 & 問﹞,佢地好仔細幫我地 check 呀,當然整完係冇事啦,但返到屋企個問題又再發生,跟住第二日我地再打去問,佢地立即話幫我地再整,個間 d service o.k. 架
你整個日係唔係有好多架車等緊佢地 check,所以做得冇咁仔細呀
原帖由 ccc411 於 09-2-26 22:31 發表
我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!
You are the sunshine of my life. That's why I'll always stay around. You are the apple of my eye. Forever you'll stay in my heart.