本帖最後由 Aardvark 於 17-12-20 22:24 編輯
SARIDON 發表於 17-12-20 18:05 
我依家用緊windows defender嘅防火牆,安全嗎?有無介紹呢?
Ain't sure if ur r a biz or home user. Yet, for general home users, it's good enough.
For biz environment, Windows firewall can't do shXt, say,
1/ can't define inbound / outbound rules;
2/ can't define specific rules for specific users;
3/ absence of NAT;
4/ absence of port forwarding;
5/ can't define source / destination;
and many more.
Yet, if you have no idea those jargon are (or u ain't using it for work), Windows Firewall probably is good enough.
Good luck.
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