Don’t worry! I also discovered there are number of 纖維瘤 in my 子宮 in the half way of my last pregnancy. The largest one is around 4cm x 5cm. The result is that I gave birth early at around 32 weeks. Luckily, my bb is very healthy after birth but has to stay in hospital until 36 week to ensure that he can survive on his own like eating, breathing, weight growth is good etc. Now he is 22 months and not frequent sick.
Now, I am pregnant again. Although the doctor said that the chance that I will 早產 will be higher, I will be 33 weeks tomorrow. My hope is that my bb can stay in my belly for longer time so that he does not has to stay in hospital and can go home with me. (if bb birth before 36 – 37 weeks has to stay until hospital until 36 – 37 weeks).
Leave it to your doctor to monitor the size of纖維瘤. If纖維瘤 do not block the產道, it will not be a big problem (from my experience) and not much you can do….