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發表於 09-5-19 20:04 |只看該作者
<Crabtree & Evelyn’s Items>平讓 (100% new, 低至3折)
http:// www.crabtree-evelyn.com.hk/官方網頁 (全新, 100% new, 絕對正貨,from Hong Kong's shop in 2008, 有效期至少兩至三年)

1. Everlyn Rose Bath & Shower Gel (薔薇浴露) , 250ml Price $275 Discount: $105
2.Everlyn Rose Body lotion (薔薇護膚露) , 250ml Price $295 Discount: $125
3. Lily Body lotion (茉莉花護膚露), 250ml Price $295 Discount: $120
4. Body butter (Mango) 7oz(護膚膏): Price $325 Discount: $115
5. Freesia Bath Shower Gel (紫藤花浴露), 250ml price $275 Discount: $95
6. Freesia Body lotion (紫藤花護膚露), 250ml Price $295 Discount: $115
7. Wisteria Bath Shower Gel (春回浴露), 250ml Price $275 Discount: $95
8. Wisteria Body lotion (春回護膚露), 250ml: Price $295 Discount: $115
9. Goatmilk Comforting Body lotion (山羊乳沐浴露) (Body Wash 8.5 fl oz) Price $195 Discount: $80
10.Revitalising Travel Essentials (naturals Nourishing: In shower Moisturiser 50ml, Body Mist 50ml, Shower Mousse 25ml, Body Butter 50g)Price $300 Discount: $105
11. Rejuvenating Mask ( Size 3.4 fl oz) (面膜膏)box set:
Price $395 Discount: $135
12. Botanical & Mineral BODY MIST (White Tea & Birch ) Price $175 Discount: $60
13. La Source Benefits box set (海洋沐浴系列) (Body Scrub 6.8 oz, Body Lotion8.5 fl oz, Hand Therapy Cream 1.7 fl oz): Price $560 Discount: $230
14. Evelyn Rose Room Spray 100ml薔薇房間噴霧: Price $195 Discount: $80
15. Naturals Lemongrass & Brown Sugar Body Scrub (磨沙膏) Size: 8.8 oz Price: $295 Discount: $105
16. Hydration Booster Moisture Rich (Size 30ml & 2 bottles of 15ml facial spray) (面部補濕液) box set price $395 Discount: $135
17. Evelyn Rose Body Cream(薔薇護膚膏) Size: 6.8 fl oz price $425 Discount: $180
18. Fade Serum Evens Out Skin Tones (面部修護液)box set (Size 30ml & a mirror) rice $395 Discount: $135
19. Oil Control Gel (面部控油啫喱)box set (Size 25ml & a pack of facial blotting tissue)price $275 Discount: $95

任何一項均歡迎出讓,有興趣者, 請跟我聯絡.


