A) LakeShore Rhyming Books一套15本 -- $90
With simple, repetitive text and beautiful, eye-catching photos, our books give early readers an irresistible way to explore rhyming sounds! Each 8-page book has a new word at the end of each sentence…so rhyming sounds are a breeze to grasp. Plus, each page features a helpful picture clue, so kids can identify and read brand-new words. Set includes 15 books.
B) Rainbow Magic Activity Book (With Over 100 stickers貼紙遊戲書) -- $24@
C) 環保教育系列 QEB Green Kids (一套四本) -- $60 D) Oxford Read at Home 精裝硬皮故事書$17~24本 @
1) 1A Funny Fish 2) 1C Dad's birthday
3) 2C Floppy and the bone 4) 3A The old tree stump 5) 3C Dragon danger 6) 4A Looking after Gran
7) 4A Arctic adventure
8) 4B Shrinking powder
9) 4B Hungry Floppy
10) 5B The lost voice
11) 5C The secret of the sands