而且你段文字第一句已經寫左Starliner was designed to last considerably longer than 45 days呢,亦都有講明係因為未上過orbit未test過、just kind of a limit they set for this first mission。
睇#18樓,個位副教授指"Starliner is sitting safely at the International Space Station, collecting data that we all like to see that’s valuable, but people are acting like it's stranded."
Boeing好多日前係話"So far, we've not been able to replicate the temperatures that we saw in flight.",佢地係想replicate返個情況知道係咩問題。雖然唔知Starliner現時情況係點、係咪好似NASA所講咁emergency return係無問題,但我會相信太空人現時係安全。
(Edit: 修正第二段關於thruster問題測試句話係Boeing講的,見報導話目前測試完成進行分析。)