



積分: 2243

發表於 09-7-7 13:15 |只看該作者
Nillie~ 你好呀~ 我係Ellie呀...你記唔記得呀?
我想問下當時你入籍面試合格咗之後, 佢幾耐通知你宣誓歸化架?
因為我老公8月interview啦...好似咁怏咁既...佢4月先入紙申請, 我響網上面睇起碼都要一年架!?


積分: 7794

發表於 09-7-7 21:09 |只看該作者
Hi Ellie,
mine one was fast too. I filed at September 08, finger print at 1 month later, and have interview at December 08, and got my naturalization done at Feb this year. Total process less that half year. therefore I did not have time to study at all.
Once you get a pass, if you stay inside the center and wait for the appointment, you will get the closest one, some center even let you to do it within a week, but some like New York city, that takes a month, and I did not wait for the appointment.. and wait for them to mail to me, I got it 2 months later. (as I am not rushing).
Some city, they do it very slow, and some people filed it, did have to wait for a year. (also government states it will be 1 year process, so if you get it earlier than that you feel good... and sure you will not get it later than that!).

Sure to tell your hubby to file your application after he got his naturalization. It will be very quick or if he did it, then he just needs to send his naturalization paper copy to the immigration officer whom takes care of your case. They will speed up the process as well.

Ask your husband to study the NEW version of question now, it is not as easy as before.
原帖由 ellie79 於 09-7-7 12:15 AM 發表
Nillie~ 你好呀~ 我係Ellie呀...你記唔記得呀?
我想問下當時你入籍面試合格咗之後, 佢幾耐通知你宣誓歸化架?
因為我老公8月interview啦...好似咁怏咁既...佢4月先入紙申請, 我響網上面睇起碼都要一年架!? ...


積分: 2688

發表於 09-7-22 03:24 |只看該作者
normally around 2-3 month. my case March finger print, May 入籍面試 & July ceremony.


積分: 11438

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 09-8-18 15:00 |只看該作者


積分: 2688

發表於 09-8-19 05:38 |只看該作者

回覆 4# purplechili 的文章

I'm US citizen, also have HK ID on hand. That's fine! If possible, take time that's not really hard, but need time to prepare.


積分: 7794

發表於 09-8-19 07:07 |只看該作者
I am keeping my HK ID as well.. also with my BNO passport. I did not apply for the US passport as I don't really need it. I don't travel overseas. I may apply the passport (as I am citizen-- just this Feb), if I need to travel overseas to save the time inside the custom.
The exam for us.. still not as difficult as those whom can not understand 26 letters, right? 70+ 80+ years old grandma can get a pass on it.. so, I would recommend you to have a try. at least you try!

原帖由 purplechili 於 09-8-18 02:00 AM 發表
你地入左籍之後,有無放棄香港既身份呀?其實我仲係持有綠卡係到住咋,成日覺得會返返去香港所以都唔知點,又唔想去考試,因為聽講係好難考....我又提唔起勁又無時間去溫習。 ...


