




積分: 242

發表於 09-7-13 15:08 |只看該作者
I just passed the termination letter to my maid. Since I am home with 3 kids and my other maid, I had to lock myself with kids in my bedroom until she goes. My husband refused to help me, so I am doing all these myself. The terminated maid is now laying on the floor and is crying like crazy.


積分: 742

發表於 09-7-13 15:14 |只看該作者
原帖由 finayang 於 09-7-13 15:08 發表
I just passed the termination letter to my maid. Since I am home with 3 kids and my other maid, I had to lock myself with kids in my bedroom until she goes. My husband refused to help me, so I am d ...

You can call your agent to help you now and you need to send the maid out at once and give one month salary for her.

Keep your kids and you must at safety place.


積分: 242

發表於 09-7-13 15:18 |只看該作者
I gave her everything before she laid on the floor. My kids are watching Playhouse Disney channel, so they can't hear the cry. I can't make her leave like that. She is out-of-control. If she continues, I will consider calling police.

原帖由 糖糖寶寶 於 09-7-13 15:14 發表

You can call your agent to help you now and you need to send the maid out at once and give one month salary for her.

Keep your kids and you must at safety place.


積分: 7851

發表於 09-7-13 15:23 |只看該作者
你call保安先, 再唔惦先call 警察啦!!!

保持"陣"定, 你有小朋友要照顧嫁!!


積分: 742

發表於 09-7-13 15:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 finayang 於 09-7-13 15:18 發表
I gave her everything before she laid on the floor. My kids are watching Playhouse Disney channel, so they can't hear the cry. I can't make her leave like that. She is out-of-control. If she conti ...

If your maid still to crazy crying, you call police asap.

I worry the maid is out-of-control...


積分: 242

發表於 09-7-13 15:31 |只看該作者
She stopped crying. Anyway, I prepared enough food and water in my room. My kids can watch tv for hours. I will wait for my c6 to come back. Hope the maid will be gone by that time. My c6 might ask me to give her another chance. I told him yesterday that if he insists to keep this bad maid, I will move out with my kids.


積分: 6598

發表於 09-7-13 15:41 |只看該作者


積分: 242

發表於 09-7-13 15:51 |只看該作者
My maid also does her works well most of the time. The only thing is she does not listen. When I give instruction, she will walk away. She does not respect me. When she breaks things, she will deny it. She loves my kids, but she wants to raise them in her own ways. I can't even decide the time for their meals. She didn't allow my youngest kid, almost 2 years old, to eat with me until recently. It took me almost 1 year to convince her. I don't my kids to become bun buns.

Two weeks ago, I was away from home and my husband was out of town. I left my kids with the housekeepers. When I returned home, my 1yr9mons son says his arm is hurting. He said it is made by one of my housekeepers. That maid didn't know she hurt my son until I asked her. There is a burnt mark on his arm and the surrounded area is very red. This maid's only duty is to look after my youngest child. I have other maids taking care of other kids and house works. She is not supposed to bring the ironer out of the laundry area, but she brought it to the living room. Luckily, my baby got burn when the ironer was cooling down. The scar will stay on my son's arm for some time.

I terminated this maid in April 09 because she made some serious mistakes. She bet me to keep her, so I gave her one last chance. In return, she must improve herself. However, she behaves the same. The worst thing is she hurt my son with an ironer. She even didn't apologize to me.

原帖由 123BB 於 09-7-13 15:41 發表


積分: 6598

發表於 09-7-13 15:59 |只看該作者

回覆 1# finayang 的文章



積分: 2956

發表於 09-7-13 16:42 |只看該作者
Remember to change your main door lock!

Since your maid is so emotional, if she has a spare key, she may come back .....


積分: 242

發表於 09-7-13 17:11 |只看該作者
After 2 hours, she is still sitting in the same spot. My c6 arrived, so I talked to her. She is required to leave the house within 1 hour. Or I will call police. Unbelievable. She is still asking me to let her stay until completion of her contract.


積分: 805

發表於 09-7-13 18:43 |只看該作者
I think she is too arrogant. She thought you need her no matter what so she bet her future and behaves dis-respectfully to her employer. This is very silly of her. She did not know she could not afford to lose the job.

Anyway, when things happen to this stage, you have to let her go no matter how hard she cry or beg. Otherwise she will most likely revenge.

For the time being, better tell her you have given more than enough time for her to leave voluntarily. It is time for you to call the police to take her.


積分: 1479

發表於 09-7-13 19:03 |只看該作者
If she behaves like this, how are you going to check her belongings before she leaves! Be careful! She may take away your stuff or break everything before she leaves cos she can't accept you fire her!


積分: 242

發表於 09-7-13 19:22 |只看該作者
My c6 walked her out of the door, but he didn't check her stuff. I don't worry about losing thing. I just want her to go ASAP.


