



積分: 7820

發表於 09-7-14 21:48 |只看該作者
想請Bun Bun, 唔知如何入手... 點選擇合適女傭 ??


積分: 578

發表於 09-7-15 06:46 |只看該作者
3.搵d 可靠agent公司,有d公司d賓賓年齡報大數.冇上過training.


積分: 15999

發表於 09-7-15 09:52 |只看該作者
agree to esther323, esp on pt 2.

some more suggestions:
1) suggest to hire local maid, not overseas, so u can have the interview with her in person
2) select one which listens to instructions, have to emphasize this several times in interview
3) call their past employers for reference check. if cannot check, ask for her past job experience/duties precisely


積分: 5873

發表於 09-7-16 11:01 |只看該作者
I tried to hire local maid before, even though she promised everything, she acted differently when start working... and soon become worse..

My suggestions:
1) Hire local maid only if they can provide previous employer's phone no. to cross check. Most local maids have excuse not to give the no.
2) If time allowed, suggest you to hire an overseas maid as usually they will be 'gwai gwai'. But dun hire those from far villages.
3) Hire someone married and have kids. I thnk will love BB more.
4) Hire someone with financial burdens so they will be more serious about working.
5) Hire someone who can really speak English. Otherwise it's super difficult to communicate.
6) Hire someone with overseas experience so less chance they will have homesick and cry for home.


積分: 314

發表於 09-7-16 11:51 |只看該作者
Agreed agreed, but afterall, luck is the most of everything.
I hired an overseas Philippines maid last month, she was so dared to hang out when she was supposed to be on duty on that day. I asked why she did so and she told me she needed to meet her friend whom was knowned from the same agent. 海盈.

i was very disappointed with her performance, how can a new comer so 大膽 to cheat me like this. Also, she is so absent-minded and always put the knife near the edge of the kitchen table, don't lock the kitchen door, let my daughter take the lift alone.

She is quite near to Manila and the reason i chose her is that she can speak very fluent English and has taken the course of Caregiver, but, at this time, i take care of her rather than she takes care of me law!

Bree's Ma.


積分: 7820

發表於 09-7-16 13:30 |只看該作者
Thanks for all mum mum's sharing. I agree that employing a good maid is by luck. Anyway, what will you ask during the interview? It seems it's a critical part for employing a good maid.


積分: 5873

發表於 09-7-16 16:40 |只看該作者
BTW, once I asked my new maid to go to the marktet and she dared to go out WITHOUT locking the door! Everyone can come in!! I only discovered it when she's back and opened the door herself 1/2 hr later!!

They're lack of sense of security and need to be trained!


積分: 15999

發表於 09-7-16 17:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-7-16 16:40 發表
BTW, once I asked my new maid to go to the marktet and she dared to go out WITHOUT locking the door! Everyone can come in!! I only discovered it when she's back and opened the door herself 1/2 hr la ...

haha! same as my bro's new maid. she didn't close the door! maid and babies went to my mum's home for 8 hrs, they only realised when they were back! security helped them to close the door after checking inside (whether there are damages).

some more pts:
if u hire a maid who hasn't come to HK b4, choose one who has friends or relatives in HK
i prefer to choose a maid who has relatives in HK
reason is they may have emotional prb if have no one to talk with.

if u have interview with maid in person/image tele conferencing, ask her to show u how to carry baby, feed baby, bathe a baby etc.
what kind of dishes she can cook
the duties u need her to take up (e.g. cleaning, cooking, baby sitting, car washing)
ask abt her family background (which is very important). i won't hire a divorced, widow with too much burden as i worried these ppl have emotional prb.

chowhui, sometimes hiring a wealthier maid is good. my last maid has financial burden so she's greedy and stole food. this maid no burden so she's happy and always buys things for my daughter. anyway, it's really depends on luck.


積分: 5873

發表於 09-7-17 09:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 c-wong 於 09-7-16 17:23 發表

haha! same as my bro's new maid. she didn't close the door! maid and babies went to my mum's home for 8 hrs, they only realised when they were back! security helped them to close the door after che ...

Right.. I guess it really depends on the personality of the maid. My last maid has no burden at all and she buys expensive goods and good all the time but nothing for my BB. (can spent 4K for just 2 jackets!) After she's gone, I found 2 of my umbrellas are missing and one from Agnes b.

This time my maid is a widow. Well I was hesitate about this background too but I think she's the best choice I have at that time. Anyway, I tested her and put my wallet and purse in the living room unattended for some days and it seems she didn't take out $ from it yet. Well, time will tell whether she's a honest person!


積分: 5873

發表於 09-7-17 09:27 |只看該作者
Referring to your question, maybe you can ask her when does she wake up or what does she do everyday. If she used to be wake up early, I think this shows she's a more hardworking ppl.

Perhaps also ask her hobbies or what does she do in the holidays? I think if she's going to church probably it's better. I interviewed maid before and one of them told me she likes shopping...

Of course ask her how much she likes taking care baby, how much she knows etc.

Also please ask her if she has any questions for you. I interviewed some maid before they asked like if my mom and 99 will come often? do I have a job? Does she need to sleep with BB? Can she take naps if wake up at night...


積分: 15999

發表於 09-7-17 17:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-7-17 09:20 發表

Right.. I guess it really depends on the personality of the maid. My last maid has no burden at all and she buys expensive goods and good all the time but nothing for my BB. (can spent 4K for just ...

haha, your last maid same as my current maid's family. my maid uses 4k+ mobile phone, wear genuine adidas shoes/sportswear, Lacoste sneakers (1 pair same as my hubby!), her sis bot Polo Jeans polo shirts at 4xx each. my maid bot stuff dolls every weekend. some for my BB....glad that i m lucky to hire a diligent maid, although i always thinks she's too talkative and smart (smart= cunning??) can read our minds


積分: 5873

發表於 09-7-17 17:56 |只看該作者
c-wong, I must express this in Cantonese that our maids are too 奢侈!!!! :;pppp:

I like those 純樸 ones more... hahaha


