返育嬰園真係要有心理準備BB會成日病,我仔由上年8月到現在都仲係病,醫生錢真係好金,平均一個月都病幾次,由睇西醫到而家睇中醫,個個月都一二千銀,無辦法,要等佢自己適應,唯有安慰自己佢而家病了遲少少返N or K 時病少d. 同埋呀仔成日對人,佢真係無咁怕人同好鍾意同其他小朋友玩。現在還開始教自己食飯。
hi, why don't you employ a maid? I know some paretns are not feeling comfortable to hv maid fm Phil or Indonesia to taking care baby as there hv many many bad cases happened in HK. But I want to say not all maids are the same. I may say I'm luckily, my maid is good in taking care baby, able to listen to my order and good hygiene concept too. If yr maid can take care yr baby, baby don't need to go to school at this smaller age, also, you can teach yr maid to listen to yr order. at least one one challenge you if baby is sick.