之前有感而發, 寫左個電郵去明報, 內容睇呢度: http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/thread-2330304-1-1.html
希望d傳媒朋友幫我地d傭主出頭. 當然一去冇回頭. 跟住bk有個post話葉劉可能幫到我地, 結果我又寫左個差不多內容既電郵俾葉劉, 佢尋日回覆左, 內容如下:
Dear Anita, Thank you for your recent e-mail concerning problems you have encountered in employing foreign domestic helpers. I am fully aware of the problem. I have asked the government more than once to enact special legislation applying to foreign domestic helpers, in view of the special nature of their work. Unfortunately the government is not interested in this idea. Please rest assured that I will continue to push this idea. I hope you can show your support for this idea at an appropriate time.