My baby normally wake up 4 hours after his last meal at 11pm to 1am, then he will wake up after 3 hours.
If he drink milk at 12midnight, he will wake up at 4am and then 7am.
In the daytime, depending on how much he drink. If he drink a lot, then need to drink every3 hous. If he drink only little, will need to drink every 1 hour.
I would like to 同BB介夜奶, but don't know how to do it. Baby is 8 weeks now, and I need to go to work 2 weeks later.
I haven't decided whehter I or our 姐姐 will take care bb at night. I'd like to take care myself, but worry if I don't have enough sleep, I can't concentrate my work.
We tried to get him to drink as much as he can for the meal before we sleep.
When he cried at midnight around 4am, we left him crying for 5 mintues (maybe that's not long enough), but he's still crying very hard, and we don't want to wake up everyone, so we give up and give him milk.
Can you suggest how long should we left him crying in midnight (10, 20 mintues?)?