yes yes, when i first confirmed bingo.... i went to see dr. helen ko (simply becoz she's avialable right away...)..... but she's totally non-sense...
and my other fd also went to see her ....and said she's not professional at all.... she's seeing Dr Susan Chow now...and she said the doctor is quite ok...
i was also miscarriage... and i booked Dr Susan Chow next week too...
原帖由 big_choi 於 09-8-7 17:32 發表
Before miscarriage, I saw Dr. Helen Ko, ho ng dim, inconsiderate and uncaring.
Now I want to visit Dr Susan Chow (周少芬) to scan after miscarriage. Is she good?
Yes ar, Dr Helen Ko is easy to book because she is not good ar ma. In fact, I had checked several doctors before but only Helen Ko had time to see me, so I went to see her lor. But I really regret seeing her, she made me very upset and unhappy.
Dr Susan Chow 唔多野講 ga? Does she explain things clearly? Is she kind and considerate? I don't wanna see "black face" again like Helen Ko.
I will do the scan next Friday to see if it's clear inside after miscarriage ar... This time wanna see a good doctor la!