[2004年或之前] 醫護營養部




積分: 1956

發表於 05-2-3 01:00 |顯示全部帖子



我.... 係以前讀醫療化驗出身架... 所以對營養呀~ 醫療既野好sensitive.... 我好多舊同學同relatives都好多係'行醫療界'既... 做藥劑,營養同兒科醫生乜都有... 佢地成日keep me updated... 我問佢地答....(因為我係每事問... 打爛沙盆問到篤果隻~)

所以大家有咩關於醫護同營養既問題(大人/細路都可以), 不妨晌度一齊傾下啦... 睇下我答唔答到你啦~~(因為我係每事問... 打爛沙盆問到篤果隻~) 不過我掉低書包咁多年.... 知識有限架... 唔識唔好'噓'我呀!!! 最好就緊係問醫生啦!!! :lol:


積分: 1956

發表於 05-2-3 01:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

Jasminipan & Holmanma,

David has just taken photos regarding the Colostrum:

[img align=left]http://www.future.com.hk/~wingwing/bb/colos01.jpg[/img]

And the size of the actual chew when comparing to the 10 cents coin is:

I have checked the manufacturer of Healtheries that they have distributor in Australia too, so I think you can try to ask your friend to get from AUS pharmacies.

There are many brands available, Make sure there are
1.) the sign of 'GMP' on the pot, that means GMP certified (checked by the gov't of NZ that it is in safe quality like checked by FDA of US)

2.) made in NZ, becos only all farmland of NZ are pesticide & insecticide free; all are organic grasslands being controlled by the NZ agriculture dept of gov't.

3.) try to compare the nutrition facts on the labels. Get the one with highest concentration of IgG (免疫蛋白球), calcium and protein... 最好有埋Vit. B+C and folate (葉酸).... all in one will be the best~!!

Wish you can get some for Jasmine & Holman la~~


積分: 1027

發表於 05-2-3 11:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

IceCrm and David

You are so professional and efficient. :wink:

Thanks for your information.
My name is Jasmine, born in 2 Dec (3.3kg) 我的中文名叫曉琳, 貌似爸爸60%and媽媽40%


積分: 347

發表於 05-2-3 23:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

IceCrm and David,

I would like to ask some questions on feeding the baby the additional liver oil & po ying pills.

For I have feed my baby boy who is 17 mths old 15ml codliver oil (Scott's) once a day related to the directions of the oil.
Also, I feed my boy one pack of Po Ying Pill 保嬰丹once a week.

I don't know whether it is right or not? If you have time, pls answer my questions, thanks.

With regards,
Annie_To :-P :-P :-P


積分: 1956

發表於 05-2-4 01:16 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部


For the codliver oil and Po Ying Dan are only dietary supplement, there is no right or wrong at all... I have to ask you many questions before I give you advise... like: do your baby take balanced diets everyday with appropriate amount of protein (from milk, egg, beans & meat)? does he/she take fish regularly? do your baby often feel sick? what kind of sickness usually?

Actually for the codliver oil can be for baby aged 1 yr old. But in my idea, if you baby is not too weak, I would suggest to take codliver oil after aged 18-month as more mature of baby's digestive system at that time. Just to remind you that there is still some artificial flavourings, sugar and colourings of the codliver oil, this is why I suggest to take later after 1.5 yrs old or even when the kid reaches 2 yrs old, it will be late for sure!

For Po Ying Dan, I am sorry that I haven't found out their ingredients as I haven't tried this for my baby. But in herbalist's view, it serves as calming and soothing supplement for baby, am I right? What is your concern for giving Po Ying Dan regularly? I boil 竹蔗矛根水 & 開奶茶 for my baby instead of Po Ying Dan, but only before and after vaccination and when BB is 熱氣 . Anyway, Chinese medicine is still the medicine, it is not advised for prolonged use, as it may increase the burden of baby's liver for breaking down those medicine. But for details of Po Ying Dan, I think it's better to consult Chinese Herbalist as I am not sure about this.

Hope the above can help you!


積分: 14040

發表於 05-2-4 10:51 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

Icecrm & David,
Many many thanks for your advice.


積分: 347

發表於 05-2-4 23:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

Dear IceCrm ,

Thanks for your advices, my baby is not too weak, I give him the codliver oil just for building up his body. At the same time, I am afraid that whether a baby who is just 17 mths old can eat this, so I ask for your suggestion. The information is very good and in details. Next time when my baby have the 5 in 1 injection, I will ask the doctor again. Thanks for your kindly attention. Lunar New year is coming , wish you and your family a very happy new year.

Annie_To :-P :-P :-P


積分: 1956

發表於 05-2-5 09:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

Dear Annie,

You are very welcomed! I just think your baby was also born in Dec03. I will not be too worry if you kid is now already 17-month old. BTW, it all depends on the daily diet of your kid for taking Scott's Emulsion or not.

Scott's Emulsion is rich in cod liver oil which is a source of Vitamin A & D, calcium and phosphorus. It is ideal for toddlers for better bones and teeth development. However, as I have mentioned before, It is not compulsory if the intake of milk products like baby formula or cheese are adequate since milk & cheese products are more natural with less artifical flavourings and colourings.

Just for your reference, toddlers are suggested to obtain 750mg Calcium daily. i.e.

750mg Ca approximately = 3 glasses of 180ml No.2/ No.3 common baby formula or 3-4 pcs of cheese.

Therefore, if your baby has taken 3 times of milk (also with adeguate vit. A&D, & other essentials) with 8oz or above or 2 times milk with 1 pcs of cheese daily (Also, some calcium, phosphorus, vit. A & D are found in the common food like fish/meat/veg as solid food for our kids too!). It should be quite appropriate and I can say, Scott's Emulsion will not be necessary according to daily nutrition value of toddlers.

Hope the above can help & I also wish you have a happy and prosperous new year ahead!


積分: 12563

發表於 05-2-5 12:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

妳真係好好呀, 咁多專業既知識同我地分享。

我都想問d野, 紫鈺門牙有少少蛀牙, 我依家有同佢刷牙, 但佢好貪玩, 所以肯定唔會刷得乾淨。

3.早晚刷牙, 間中有少少牙膏


我想帶紫鈺去睇牙醫, 妳有無好既牙醫介紹呀?


積分: 4425

發表於 05-2-6 23:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部


thank you!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


積分: 395

發表於 05-2-7 07:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部


請問點解要食Colostrum啊? 麻煩話我知啦!


積分: 395

發表於 05-2-7 07:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部




積分: 3654

發表於 05-2-7 11:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

IceCrm & David, thanks so much for the detailed information.


積分: 762

發表於 05-2-7 15:02 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

Icecrm & David,

Just found out this link, thanks for sharing the informations with us.
It's very kind of you and very useful to us all.

Hope you all have a properous new year of rooster!


積分: 1956

發表於 05-2-7 19:17 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

多謝各位捧場呀~~ 只要我有時間我一定有問即答既~~ :-P
祝大家 [size=large]一家大細都身strong力健, 營養豐足!!! :-P


sorry, 牙科我唔係好在行窩~~:cry: 我知幾多我盡力講啦:

1.飲完奶飲水<--- 凡係食完/飲完有味既野都要飲水!
2.唔俾食任何糖(羊奶片除外)<--- 岩!!! 唔係淨係因為蛀牙而唔俾食糖, 咁細個小朋友如果成日食甜野會'追味'.. 即係會成日偏食有甜味既食物...變相會習慣食甜野... 不過.. 唔係淨係食甜先會爛牙架.. 食乜野後, 食物或味道留晌牙縫, 甚至牙面後都會瀝藏細菌, d細菌將d食物變酸, d酸侵食牙既法廊質做成蛀牙囉~~ 所以凡係食完/飲完有味既野都要飲水!
3.早晚刷牙, 間中有少少牙膏<--- 最緊要夜晚訓覺前刷得澈底d(尤其蛀左果度)... 唔用牙膏你地會無咁serious去刷.. 因為驚整痛紫鈺, 係咪? 所以最少夜晚要用牙膏... 你可以買d專俾bb用, 食得既牙膏(好似jusco & toys r us都有得賣呀~!!)
1. 最好介奶咀 & 啜手指 (如果有食既話)
2. 唔好俾呀b'歎奶', 即係囉住枝奶食好好好耐... 因為志在食個奶咀.....

愛心牙醫: 我出名乜都驚餐死... 但佢好有愛心令我由中學到而家淨係睇佢一個 (公司包牙科我都令願俾錢睇佢).... 不過佢診所晌好遠, 排期又要好好好耐(around 1 month in advance)

tel: 2485 0451
add: 葵涌廣場1樓B 87A鋪

但我諗佢唔會幫紫鈺補牙,因為紫鈺太細個喇~~ 你不如打去同姑娘講下紫鈺既情況先... 費事白行啦~~


積分: 1956

發表於 05-2-7 19:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

mandy2003 寫道:


首先要問下你咳到乜野徵狀 - 有無痰? D 痰有無黃/綠色? 有無發燒?你知唔知醫生俾鎬鎬食既藥係咪擴生素(消炎藥)?
如果係消炎藥.. 係一定要食晒成個療程... 因為就算鎬鎬食藥食到無咳.. 但唔代表佢裡面D菌清晒架~ D菌未清晒既話.. 過左一段時間D菌又大量繁殖過.. 所以呀B又咳過囉~

我覺得有咳一定要盡快睇醫生食藥, 最好係未係咳得好嚴重就要開始食藥, 會容易控制好多.... 仲有唔係嚇你... 咳可以好嚴重架! 如果蔓延到氣管炎,支氣管炎甚至肺炎既話會好嚴重, 就算好返第時都會好容易返發 (我妹妹就係一個好例子喇, 細個試過肺炎, 就算而家大左都好易咳, 一咳遲左理就氣管炎), 病向淺中醫係岩既, 所以真係要小心呀!!



積分: 395

發表於 05-2-7 23:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部


真係有D驚驚地tim! 多謝妳的提醒。 Thank you 曬


積分: 1956

發表於 05-2-7 23:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

mandy2003 寫道:

請問點解要食Colostrum啊? 麻煩話我知啦!

Colostrum = 牛初乳 = 牛媽咪生左牛bb後岩岩開始有果小部份奶(72小時內)... 含有好高濃度既IgG (Immunoglobin 免疫蛋白), 同時補充Calcium & protein, 有部份牌子仲有埋Vitamin B, C & 葉酸添....

高濃度既IgG (Immunoglobin 免疫蛋白), 可強化食用者本身既免疫系統... 尤其係當有病菌入侵既時候, 因為本身既免疫系統強, 同埋足夠既免疫蛋白可以盡快吞噬外來入侵既病菌, 縮短病菌晌身體裏面繁殖同埋作怪... 咁就無咁容易打敗杖啦~~

details can refer the website below:

其實係因為我餵人奶餵得太少... 所以我個女8個月我就俾colostrum粉(溝落奶粉度), 每日只食1 spoonful咋.... 食到一歲就俾chewable tablets佢當零食, 一日食兩粒左右, 我仲要一粒分一半咁俾佢, 每次要佢用第一同第二隻手指囉 & put it into her mouth by herself... 佢不知幾開心... 我貪佢無糖份但呀女又好鐘意食, 有益又可以train佢手指仔motor skills.....

同埋我好開心咁話你知, 我呀Charmaine就黎14個月大, 只病過3次咋~~(touchwood先!!!) 一次因出牙發燒99度, 兩次傷風流鼻水... 其實我淨係餵左唔夠一個月既人奶咋... 我覺得都算係好健康... 當然balanced diet, 運動, fresh air 同得閒帶呀b去晒下太陽都有關係既~~

我聽過人講, 香港好似裕華有colostrum 賣... 但我冇見過...唔清楚成份同質量如何...


積分: 1688

發表於 05-2-8 11:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

Just found this new page. This is so great and informative.


積分: 12563

發表於 05-2-8 13:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 醫護營養部

dear IceCrm,
真係好多謝妳呀! 提左我好多野, eg食完咩都要飲水,唔好歎奶(我之前好抗拒紫鈺用匙餵奶, 我諗以後佢唔多肯飲既時候真係寧願快快餵佢飲完, 好過佢飲成粒鐘啦!)。

仲有多謝妳介紹個牙醫, 等我過完年打去問下先。


