




積分: 601

發表於 09-10-14 18:19 |只看該作者
I am on my 36 weeks here. Twins babies weight have been slow down. BAby A is 2.09kg and the BABy B is 1.9kg. Next week I will delivery my babies at STH by c-section. I am v worry that they may be underweight. Recommended weight will be 5 pounds (2.3kg). My privated doctor asked me to line up for public hospital for backup in case of emergency. Now I rest at bed everyday. Try to help them to gain more weight.

I am still consider which one I should choice. Of cos I want to stick with St. Teresa 'cos I already booked the time for operation. But when I think of twins babies may have chance to stay in the Box. I started to worry. I heard some mommy said, even give birth the babies in Private hospital, but if babies have difficult situation, they may transfer them to public hospital, Is that true?


積分: 547

發表於 09-10-14 18:25 |只看該作者
You are right. You can still give birth at St Teresa. If the babies need extra care, they will transfer you to public hospital. Right now, drink more milk & eat more eggs. Take care & don't worry too much.

原帖由 Chewy 於 09-10-14 18:19 發表
I am on my 36 weeks here. Twins babies weight have been slow down. BAby A is 2.09kg and the BABy B is 1.9kg. Next week I will delivery my babies at STH by c-section. I am v worry that they may be unde ...


積分: 36520


發表於 09-10-14 21:52 |只看該作者
well, i gave birth with my twins girls in private hospital at 3.5 years ago, they born 36w4d by c-section. one weight 2.2kg and one weight 2.26kg.
one stay in hospital for 11 days, one just go home with me (stay 5 days).
Don't worry too much, otherwise the babies feel the pressure and will come out early. Relax, if any problem, yes, you can ask them transfer the babies to public hospital.
原帖由 Chewy 於 09-10-14 18:19 發表
I am on my 36 weeks here. Twins babies weight have been slow down. BAby A is 2.09kg and the BABy B is 1.9kg. Next week I will delivery my babies at STH by c-section. I am v worry that they may be unde ...


積分: 468

發表於 09-10-14 23:41 |只看該作者
I wonder, if the babies' are underweight, why your doctor insists to do c-section in 37 weeks? Is it possible to wait until 38 weeks or later? Or it is a rule for c-section in 37 weeks?


積分: 601

發表於 09-10-15 21:59 |只看該作者
Thanks for all of your kind reply... They are very supportive~
Yes.. Dr. dont recomment me to keep the baby longer than 37 week in my situation. 'cos I have a problem called IUGR (means the baby is grow slowly). Then still wait in the worm longer may not help to gained weight.


