Following are some suggestions to keep in mind as you start up your own group. Most are based on our own experiences; some come from friends and friends of friends. Think about your own needs and create your group to fit (don't be too particular or you won't cohorts). Cover as many bases as you can right when your group gets started, but don't expect the original parameters to stay the same. (Ours has evolved over the years we've been meeting.) Respect on another's preferences, handle problems as they come up, and be supportive, understanding, and flexible with one another.
First, think about who will comprise your group:
• We recommend a maximum age spread of four to six months.
• The ideal number of kids is between 4 and 7, bearing in mind that at least one baby probably won't make it each week…..As far as sex goes, having the group evenly balanced between boys and girls at this age is nice but hardly necessary.
• Rotating homes give you and your baby a variety of glimpses of others' ways of handling life with a baby. Your meeting will never be affected by weather; a bathroom and food supply are nearby.
• You could also always meet in the same house. If one group member…doesn't mind, this might be the way to go. Other members can balance the host's contribution by supplying the snacks, handling the cleanup, baby-sitting, or promising to put up visiting inlaws.
i think living nearby is quite crucial, because we need not spend time in travelling. i forgot this point when i set up the group for my elder son four years ago. so members came from all over hong kong. i regreted a lot.
i think living nearby is quite crucial, because we need not spend time in travelling. i forgot this point when i set up the group for my elder son four years ago. so members came from all o ...